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Williamsburg, Kentucky

Cumberland River Behavioral Health

Rehab Center
Outpatient Treatment
Accredited Medical Provider
Grants and Private Insurance accepted
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Cumberland River Behavioral Health


Cumberland River Behavioral Health is a substance abuse treatment center for people seeking treatment near Whitley County. As part of their treatment modalities for recovery, Cumberland River Behavioral Health provides individual psychotherapy during treatment. Cumberland River Behavioral Health is located in Williamsburg, Kentucky, accepting cash or self-payment for treatment.

Cumberland River Behavioral Health at a Glance

Payment Options

  • Cash or self-payment
  • Medicaid
  • Medicare
  • State-financed health insurance plan other than Medicaid
  • Private health insurance


  • Screening for tobacco use
  • Comprehensive mental health assessment
  • Comprehensive substance use assessment
  • Interim services for clients
  • Outreach to persons in the community

Age Groups

  • Adolescents
  • Young adults
  • Children/adolescents
  • Adults
  • Seniors

Ancillary Services

  • Intensive case management
  • Case management service
  • Court-ordered outpatient treatment
  • Family psychoeducation
  • Illness management and recovery


State mental health department:

State mental health department accreditation refers to the process of evaluating and certifying the quality and standards of a state's mental health department, ensuring that it provides high-quality services and meets specific criteria for mental health care. The accreditation process is performed by a third-party organization and helps to improve the overall care and treatment of individuals with mental health conditions.

The Joint Commission:

The Joint Commission accreditation for addiction and behavioral health signifies that a facility has met rigorous standards in patient care, treatment, and safety. This recognition assures patients and professionals of the facility's commitment to providing high-quality, evidence-based care in the fields of addiction and behavioral health, fostering trust and confidence in their services.

Effective date: 06/18/2018

Registration: 458

SAMHSA certification for opioid treatment program (OTP):

SAMHSA's Opioid Treatment Programs (OTP) accreditation is a prestigious recognition that signifies a program's compliance with stringent standards and guidelines established by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). This accreditation demonstrates an OTP's commitment to providing high-quality, evidence-based care for individuals struggling with opioid use disorder (OUD). It serves as a trusted symbol of accountability and excellence, assuring patients, families, and communities that the OTP offers safe, effective, and comprehensive treatment options for OUD.

State department of health:

Government agencies issue State Licenses, granting rehabilitation organizations permission to operate their businesses lawfully within specific geographic regions. The specific licenses needed for legal operation are typically determined by the type of rehabilitation program offered by the facility and its physical location.

Treatment At Cumberland River Behavioral Health

Conditions Treated


Alcohol addiction is a condition where someone feels a strong and uncontrollable urge to drink alcohol, often leading to negative effects on their health, relationships, and daily life. To assist individuals grappling with alcohol addiction, various strategies exist. Initially, supervised detoxification may be necessary to ensure a safe cessation of alcohol consumption. Following this, counseling and therapy play a crucial role in addressing the psychological facets of the addiction. Engaging in support groups can also offer a sense of camaraderie and comprehension.

Mental health treatment:

Mental health treatment involves a range of therapeutic approaches, provided by licensed professionals, to address mental health challenges. It includes psychotherapy, medication, and holistic practices to help individuals manage conditions, improve coping skills, and enhance overall well-being. The goal is to empower individuals to lead fulfilling lives and reduce the stigma surrounding mental health.

Substance use treatment:

Substance use rehabilitation is a structured program aimed at assisting individuals in overcoming their dependencies on drugs or alcohol. Through a combination of medical detoxification, counseling, and various therapeutic approaches, these programs strive to address the physical and psychological aspects of addiction. The goal is to equip individuals with the knowledge, skills, and support necessary to attain lasting sobriety, while also working to identify and address the underlying issues contributing to substance misuse. By fostering a supportive environment, substance use rehabilitation centers provide a pathway towards a healthier, substance-free life.

Co-occurring Disorders:

Dual-diagnosis rehabs are usually the appropriate solution to treat co-occurring mental health and substance abuse disorders. These facilities typically employ medical and behavioral experts who use a range of interventions, together with the right healing environment, for you to achieve and sustain long-term recovery. Treatment usually includes evidence-based therapies (like cognitive behavioral therapy), recovery support meetings, 12-step facilitation, psychoeducation, skills training, and group therapy.

Levels Of Care

Partial Hospitalization Program:

A Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) is a structured short-term intensive rehabilitation service primarily aimed at individuals with acute symptoms that are challenging to manage but do not necessitate round-the-clock care. PHPs typically run 3-5 days a week for about 6 hours each day, from 1 to 6 months, offering structured activities such as individual and/or group therapy. While some PHPs offer residential facilities allowing patients to stay overnight, others operate on a non-residential basis, enabling patients to return home each evening.


Outpatient programs are designed for individuals in stable medical condition with a low risk of relapse, often those who've completed inpatient treatment. These programs extend the foundation of prior treatment approaches, offering continuous addiction guidance and resources for sustained recovery. For those transitioning straight from detox, medical and psychological assessments are typically conducted, leading to the development of individualized treatment strategies. The majority of outpatient rehab centers provide diverse care levels, customized to each client's unique requirements.

Regular outpatient treatment:

Regular outpatient treatment is a structured program that supports individuals in overcoming addiction while allowing them to maintain their daily lives. It includes therapy, counseling, and education, making it ideal for those with mild to moderate substance use disorders or in later recovery stages. This approach helps individuals build coping skills, manage triggers, and stay substance-free while staying connected to their communities and families.


Aftercare is the continued support and care that individuals receive following the completion of their primary treatment program for substance abuse or addiction. This phase aims to aid individuals in maintaining their sobriety, improving personal skills and coping strategies, and integrating back into society. Aftercare can include ongoing therapy, support group meetings, education, and monitoring, which are crucial for preventing relapse and promoting long-term recovery. Through a combination of community support, accountability, and personal development, aftercare provides a structured pathway for individuals to continue their recovery journey in a supportive environment.

Treatment Modalities

Individual psychotherapy:

Individual therapy, often referred to as psychotherapy or counseling, is a one-on-one therapeutic interaction between a trained therapist and a client. It provides a confidential space for individuals to explore their feelings, beliefs, and behaviors, working through challenging memories, experiences, or emotions. The therapist facilitates self-awareness, promotes personal growth and insight, and offers coping strategies to manage specific issues like stress, anxiety, depression, and other life challenges. The ultimate goal is to improve the individual's mental well-being and enhance their overall quality of life.

Couples/family therapy:

Couples Therapy in rehab helps partners facing addiction recovery to strengthen their relationship. Expert therapists guide couples in addressing substance-related challenges, fostering trust, and enhancing communication, enhancing their chances of lasting recovery together.

Cognitive behavioral therapy:

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a form of psychotherapy that emphasizes the critical role of thinking in how we feel and what we do. It aims to identify and challenge distorted or negative thought patterns and behaviors, teaching individuals to replace them with more constructive and rational beliefs. CBT is evidence-based and has been shown to be effective in treating a variety of psychological disorders, including depression, anxiety, and phobias, among others.

Integrated Mental and Substance Use Disorder treatment:

Integrated Mental and Substance Use Disorder treatment is a comprehensive approach to treating individuals with both mental health and substance use disorders. It aims to address both conditions simultaneously through a coordinated and integrated approach. The goal is to improve overall well-being and reduce the risk of relapse.

Telemedicine/telehealth therapy:

Telehealth Therapy allows individuals to access mental health services remotely via secure video conferencing. This level of care offers qualified therapy from the comfort of one's home, removing geographical barriers and often reducing wait times. Ideal for those with mobility challenges, tight schedules, or those in rural areas, it combines convenience with consistent, high-quality mental health support.

Substance use disorder counseling:

Substance use disorder counseling treatment modalities refer to various approaches and methods used in the counseling and treatment of individuals with substance use problems. This can include individual therapy, group therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, motivational interviewing, family therapy, and 12-step programs. The goal is to help the individual overcome their substance use, develop healthy coping skills, and lead a fulfilling life in recovery.

Trauma-related counseling:

Trauma therapy addresses the deep-seated emotional and psychological wounds often linked with substance abuse disorders. Recognizing that traumatic experiences can be a root cause or a significant contributing factor to substance addiction, this therapeutic approach seeks to help individuals understand, process, and heal from their traumas. Doing so fosters emotional healing and bolsters the individual's chances of long-term recovery from addiction. Integrating trauma-informed care into addiction treatment ensures a comprehensive approach that addresses substance abuse's symptoms and underlying causes.

Group counseling:

Group Therapy is a therapeutic space where individuals battling addiction come together to share experiences, gain insights, and support one another on their journey to recovery. Facilitated by trained professionals, this setting fosters communal healing and empowers participants to overcome the challenges of addiction through collective strength and understanding.

Family counseling:

Family Counseling is a therapeutic approach that seeks to address and resolve conflicts, improve communication, and strengthen relationships within the family unit. By providing a safe space for family members to express their feelings and concerns, a trained counselor facilitates understanding and collaboration among members, promoting healthier dynamics and enhancing overall family well-being.

Marital/couples counseling:

Marital/couples counseling treatment modalities refer to various therapeutic approaches used to help couples resolve conflicts, improve communication, and strengthen their relationship. These modalities can include cognitive-behavioral therapy, emotionally focused therapy, solution-focused therapy, and integrative approaches. The goal of these treatments is to help couples identify and address underlying issues and develop healthy relationship dynamics.

Intervention Services:

Intervention services assist families and friends of addicts in orchestrating an intervention, a meeting where concerned individuals express their worries and urge the addict to seek treatment. Expert interventionists aid in planning, assembling, and conversing with the affected individual. They direct participants on how to convey the adverse effects of the addict's actions and emphasize the need for external assistance to tackle the addiction. The ultimate goal of an intervention is to encourage the addict to enter rehab and receive the necessary help.

Motivational interviewing:

Motivational Interviewing (MI) is a client-centered counseling approach designed to enhance an individual's intrinsic motivation to change by exploring and resolving ambivalence. Through empathetic engagement and evoking personal reasons for change, MI helps individuals recognize the negative consequences of their substance use and empowers them to take steps toward recovery.

Anger management:

"Anger Management" refers to a set of techniques and strategies designed to help individuals recognize and control their anger effectively. By understanding the triggers and responses to anger, individuals can learn to express themselves calmly and non-confrontational. Proper anger management prevents potential conflicts, ensures better interpersonal relationships, and promotes mental well-being and overall health.

Matrix Model:

The Matrix Model involves clients in group and individual counseling, psychoeducation, and skill-building exercises to boost self-awareness, coping skills, and well-being. It prioritizes creating a supportive, collaborative therapy environment, promoting active client involvement in their recovery. This approach integrates cognitive-behavioral therapy, 12-step facilitation, family education, and relapse prevention strategies into a comprehensive evidence-based program.

Relapse prevention:

The Relapse Prevention Model is a cognitive-behavioral approach designed to teach individuals who are trying to maintain behavioral changes (like sobriety from drugs or alcohol) how to anticipate and cope with the potential for relapse. The model emphasizes the importance of understanding the processes and triggers that lead to relapse, developing strategies to prevent initial lapse, and minimizing the severity and duration if a lapse occurs. It's grounded in the belief that relapses can be viewed as learning opportunities, helping individuals strengthen their commitment and skills to avoid future setbacks.

Abnormal involuntary movement scale:

The AIMS serves as a 12-criteria tool employed by clinicians to assess the severity of dyskinesias, particularly in facial expressions, limb motions, and torso movements, observed in patients undergoing neuroleptic drug treatment. Additionally, it evaluates the overall repercussions, the extent of disability incurred, and the patient's awareness and distress regarding these movements. This assessment tool finds extensive application in research investigations concerning antipsychotic medications to screen for tardive dyskinesia. Its simple framework and rapid evaluation procedure facilitate routine clinical assessments conducted by healthcare professionals or qualified individuals.

Ancillary Services


  • Sign language services for the deaf and hard of hearing

Additional Services

  • Pharmacotherapies administered during treatment
  • Mentoring/peer support
  • TB screening

Special Programs

  • Clients with co-occurring mental and substance use disorders
  • Criminal justice (other than DUI/DWI)/Forensic clients
  • Children/adolescents with serious emotional disturbance (SED)
  • Persons 18 and older with serious mental illness (SMI)
  • Persons experiencing first-episode psychosis

Contact Information

Cumberland River Behavioral Health
Write a Review
285 Cemetery Road, Williamsburg, Kentucky, 40769
Updated January 30, 2023

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