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Rockingham, North Carolina

Samaritan Colony

Rehab Center
Outpatient Treatment
Accredited Medical Provider
Self-payment options
Who Answers?


Samaritan Colony is a substance abuse treatment center for people seeking treatment near Richmond County. As part of their treatment modalities for recovery, Samaritan Colony provides cognitive behavioral therapy during treatment. Samaritan Colony is located in Rockingham, North Carolina, accepting cash or self-payment for treatment.

Samaritan Colony at a Glance

Payment Options

  • Cash or self-payment
  • Federal, or any government funding for substance use treatment programs
  • Sliding fee scale (fee is based on income and other factors)
  • Daily


  • Screening for tobacco use
  • Comprehensive substance use assessment
  • Interim services for clients
  • Outreach to persons in the community
  • Screening for mental disorders

Age Groups

  • Young adults
  • Adults

Ancillary Services

  • Case management service


State mental health department:

State mental health department accreditation refers to the process of evaluating and certifying the quality and standards of a state's mental health department, ensuring that it provides high-quality services and meets specific criteria for mental health care. The accreditation process is performed by a third-party organization and helps to improve the overall care and treatment of individuals with mental health conditions.

Federally Qualified Health Center:

Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) accreditation is a process of evaluation and recognition by the federal government for community health centers that provide comprehensive and accessible healthcare services to underserved populations. FQHC accreditation is essential for centers to receive federal funding and to ensure that they meet standards for quality, patient-centered care.

Treatment At Samaritan Colony

Conditions Treated


Alcohol addiction is a health problem where drinking takes control over a person's life. It affects how their brain thinks and acts, leading to strong desires to drink, bad feelings, sudden actions, and discomfort when not drinking. To help someone with this problem, there are treatments like detox, counseling, group support, and learning coping methods. While treatment can't completely cure the urge to drink, it helps people regain control of their lives and feel better overall.

Substance use treatment:

Substance use rehabilitation is a structured program aimed at assisting individuals in overcoming their dependencies on drugs or alcohol. Through a combination of medical detoxification, counseling, and various therapeutic approaches, these programs strive to address the physical and psychological aspects of addiction. The goal is to equip individuals with the knowledge, skills, and support necessary to attain lasting sobriety, while also working to identify and address the underlying issues contributing to substance misuse. By fostering a supportive environment, substance use rehabilitation centers provide a pathway towards a healthier, substance-free life.

Levels Of Care

Hospital inpatient/24-hour hospital inpatient:

The 24-Hour Hospital Inpatient for Addiction Treatment program provides continuous medical care and support for those battling substance use and addiction. Located within a hospital setting, this focused inpatient program caters to both immediate and ongoing patient needs, guaranteeing their safety, stability, and thorough rehabilitation.

Short-term residential:

Short-term residential rehab programs offer intensive, shorter-duration treatment for individuals seeking recovery from substance abuse and addiction. Unlike long-term residential treatment, which can last for months or even years, short-term programs provide focused, goal-oriented care over a matter of weeks to a few months. These programs are ideal for individuals with time constraints or responsibilities and emphasize rapid stabilization, intensive therapy, and the development of essential coping skills, allowing clients to create a foundation for recovery and a personalized plan for ongoing sobriety.

Hospital inpatient treatment:

Residential treatment programs provide housing, meals, and substance abuse treatment, offering patients an environment dedicated entirely to their recovery, distinct from their everyday life. While some rehab facilities concentrate on short-term stays lasting a few days to a couple of weeks, others emphasize long-term care spanning several weeks to months. Many centers offer both, customizing the treatment based on each patient's unique needs.


Aftercare refers to the structured support and programs offered to individuals after completing an initial treatment phase for substance abuse or other disorders. Recognizing that recovery is an ongoing process, aftercare provides continued counseling, skill-building, group therapy, and resources to help individuals maintain sobriety, manage triggers, and reintegrate into daily life, reducing the risk of relapse and ensuring long-term success in recovery.

Treatment Modalities

Cognitive behavioral therapy:

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a widely practiced form of psychotherapy that seeks to address dysfunctional emotions, behaviors, and thoughts through a goal-oriented, systematic process. It encourages individuals to challenge distorted cognitions and change destructive patterns of behavior by promoting self-awareness and effective coping strategies. CBT is often used to treat a range of disorders including anxiety, depression, and stress, making it a versatile and practical therapeutic approach. Through enhancing an individual's capacity to manage life's challenges, CBT contributes to improved mental well-being and overall quality of life.

Trauma-related counseling:

Trauma-related counseling addresses the deeply rooted psychological wounds and distress that often coexist with substance use disorders. Recognizing that past traumatic experiences can play a significant role in the onset and persistence of addiction, this therapeutic approach aims to help individuals understand and process their trauma, develop coping skills, and work towards healing. Individuals are better equipped to achieve long-term recovery and improved mental well-being by simultaneously addressing both trauma and addiction.

Smoking/vaping/tobacco cessation counseling:

Tobacco cessation counseling is a dialogue with a counselor about your tobacco or vaping habits, examining its place in your daily life to strategize quitting. It offers interventions for individuals keen on quitting, encompassing behavioral guidance and group or one-on-one counseling. These sessions can range from short encounters (under 5 minutes) to in-depth discussions (over 10 minutes) and might require multiple meetings.

Group counseling:

Group therapy entails therapeutic sessions conducted in a collective setting rather than one-on-one. It encompasses various modalities, from support groups and experiential therapy to psycho-education and beyond. The approach focuses on treatment and emphasizes the dynamic interactions and shared experiences among group members.

Family counseling:

Family Counseling is a therapeutic approach that seeks to address and improve communication, understanding, and dynamics within a family unit. By addressing conflicts, emotional distress, and behavioral challenges, a trained therapist provides guidance and tools for family members to strengthen bonds, resolve issues, and foster a healthier family environment.

12-step facilitation:

Recovery frameworks grounded in 12-step programs prioritize peer mentoring and underline personal development as essential for maintaining sobriety. Those in recovery are encouraged to attend 12-step meetings, which guarantee anonymity frequently, have no cost, and are accessible every day. These 12 steps draw from spiritual tenets, assisting participants in confronting the underlying reasons for their addiction, acknowledging their decisions, and embracing the aspects outside their control. Chosen by the participants themselves, sponsors offer individualized guidance and support.

Intervention Services:

Intervention Services are professional services aimed at addressing and amending harmful behaviors or situations, primarily in individuals struggling with addiction or other serious issues. These services guide and support both individuals and their loved ones through the intervention process, wherein a structured, solution-oriented conversation is held to encourage the individual to accept help and make positive changes towards recovery. By blending compassionate understanding with a well-formulated approach, intervention services play a crucial role in bridging the gap between acknowledgment of an issue and taking the initial steps towards resolution.

Motivational interviewing:

Motivational Interviewing (MI) in addiction treatment is a client-centered counseling approach designed to enhance an individual's intrinsic motivation to change. By addressing ambivalence and tapping into personal values, MI fosters meaningful conversations about substance use and promotes commitment to recovery-focused goals.

Relapse prevention:

The Relapse Prevention Model is a cognitive-behavioral approach aimed at minimizing or preventing relapses in individuals recovering from addictive behaviors. It incorporates strategies for recognizing and managing high-risk situations and triggers, enhancing self-efficacy, and developing coping skills. Through education, awareness, and self-monitoring, individuals are empowered to maintain their progress and avoid reverting to unhealthy behaviors. This model is essential in promoting long-term recovery and supporting individuals on their journey towards a substance-free life.

Holistic Treatment:

Holistic Treatment refers to an integrative approach to addiction recovery and rehabilitation that addresses the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of an individual's well-being. Beyond just focusing on the addiction itself, this approach emphasizes whole-person healing and often incorporates alternative therapies such as acupuncture, yoga, meditation, and nutritional counseling. By treating the entire person and not just the symptoms of addiction, holistic treatment aims to ensure a more balanced and sustainable recovery.

Religious Programs:

Religious programs in rehab integrate spiritual principles and practices with traditional rehabilitation methods to offer holistic healing and recovery. These programs cater to individuals who seek solace in their faith and believe that spiritual growth can significantly complement their journey to sobriety. By incorporating prayer, meditation, religious teachings, and fellowship, these programs aim to strengthen one's spiritual foundation while addressing addiction's physical and psychological challenges. Whether rooted in Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, or other faiths, religious programs provide an avenue for deeper introspection, community support, and a renewed sense of purpose.

Individual psychotherapy:

Individual Psychotherapy provides a private, one-on-one setting where clients can explore and address their personal challenges, behaviors, and feelings related to addiction and recovery. With the guidance of a trained therapist, clients work to uncover the root causes of their substance use, develop coping strategies, and build a foundation for long-term recovery and personal growth.

Ancillary Services

Additional Services

  • Pharmacotherapies administered during treatment
  • Mentoring/peer support
  • TB screening

Special Programs

  • Clients with co-occurring mental and substance use disorders
  • Clients who have experienced trauma

Contact Information

Samaritan Colony
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136 Samaritan Drive, Rockingham, North Carolina, 28379
Updated September 26, 2023

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