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Canton, Ohio


Mental Health
Outpatient Treatment
Accredited Medical Provider
Grants and Private Insurance accepted
Who Answers?


OhioGuidestone is a mental health treatment center for people seeking treatment near Stark County. As part of their treatment modalities for recovery, OhioGuidestone provides individual psychotherapy during treatment. OhioGuidestone is located in Canton, Ohio, accepting cash or self-payment for treatment.

OhioGuidestone at a Glance

Payment Options

  • Cash or self-payment
  • Medicaid
  • State-financed health insurance plan other than Medicaid
  • Private health insurance
  • State mental health agency (or equivalent) funds


  • Comprehensive mental health assessment
  • Comprehensive substance use assessment
  • Interim services for clients
  • Screening for mental disorders
  • Screening for substance use

Age Groups

  • Adolescents
  • Children/adolescents
  • Young adults
  • Adults
  • Seniors

Ancillary Services

  • Case management service
  • Family psychoeducation
  • Psychosocial rehabilitation services
  • Mental health services
  • Social skills development


State mental health department:

State mental health department accreditation refers to the process of evaluating and certifying the quality and standards of a state's mental health department, ensuring that it provides high-quality services and meets specific criteria for mental health care. The accreditation process is performed by a third-party organization and helps to improve the overall care and treatment of individuals with mental health conditions.

Council on Accreditation (COA):

The Council on Accreditation (COA) is a non-profit that provides accreditation to human services organizations to ensure they meet high standards in service delivery. The accreditation process involves evaluating the organization's policies, practices, and services to meet specific standards.

Treatment At OhioGuidestone

Conditions Treated


Alcohol addiction is a condition where a person's brain gets used to having alcohol, making it hard for them to control their drinking. This can lead to feeling down, acting without thinking, wanting alcohol strongly, and feeling sick if they don't drink. To help with this, treatment programs are available. These usually include a guided process to safely stop drinking, talking with professionals to work through problems, and joining support groups with others facing similar issues. While these treatments can't fully cure the addiction, they provide tools and support to help individuals live a better life and keep their drinking under control.

Mental health treatment:

Mental health facilities offer a safe space for individuals to get specialized care. Trained experts create personal plans using therapies, possibly including medication. The goal is to help individuals cope better and lead fulfilling lives, with constant support and a community feel.

Substance use treatment:

Substance use rehabilitation embodies a holistic treatment approach crafted to assist individuals contending with drug or alcohol addiction. This all-encompassing rehabilitation strategy encompasses two crucial components: initially addressing the physical dependency, frequently commencing with detoxification, and subsequently confronting the psychological triggers through a diverse array of therapeutic methods. The overarching objective is to empower individuals to achieve and maintain sobriety while equipping them with essential skills and coping mechanisms for a successful reintegration into society and a life free from substance abuse.

Co-occurring Disorders:

Dual-diagnosis rehabilitation centers specialize in the treatment of individuals who suffer from a co-occurring mental health disorder and a substance use disorder. This complex interplay between addiction and mental health can make recovery more challenging, as each condition may exacerbate the symptoms of the other. Dual-diagnosis rehabilitation centers offer an integrated approach that addresses both issues simultaneously and often includes a comprehensive assessment for an Integrated Treatment Approach through Holistic Therapies, including family therapy and aftercare treatment.

Levels Of Care


Outpatient treatment in a rehab center offers flexible therapy sessions, typically ranging from 1-3 hours per week, allowing individuals to continue daily activities while receiving care. In contrast, intensive outpatient programs demand a more rigorous commitment, often involving 9-15 hours weekly, providing a more immersive therapeutic environment without the need for inpatient stays.

Intensive outpatient treatment:

Intensive outpatient programs (IOPs) support clients in maintaining long-term sobriety by providing tailored, high-quality care that adapts to their changing requirements. Clients participate in several treatment sessions each week, typically receiving between nine to 20 hours of outpatient care weekly. As clients achieve stability, the treatment frequency and intensity gradually diminish. Many intensive outpatient rehabilitation centers provide a diverse range of services, such as addiction counseling, training in life skills geared towards recovery, and the option for medication-assisted treatment (MAT). Additionally, evidence-based complementary therapies are frequently integrated into the program.

Regular outpatient treatment:

Regular Outpatient Treatment typically involves scheduled therapy sessions that occur on a part-time basis, allowing individuals to receive the necessary support and guidance while maintaining their daily routines. These outpatient sessions are generally held multiple times a week, with the exact frequency tailored to the individual's needs and progress. The number of sessions per week can vary, but it commonly ranges from two to five sessions, providing a flexible and effective approach to addiction recovery and mental health treatment.

Treatment Modalities

Individual psychotherapy:

Individual therapy is a one-on-one therapeutic interaction between a therapist and a client to address personal challenges, foster self-awareness, and promote mental, emotional, and behavioral growth. This setting provides a confidential and supportive environment for individuals to explore their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, identify goals, and develop coping strategies. Individual therapy can be beneficial for a range of concerns, including anxiety, depression, stress management, relationship issues, and life transitions.

Couples/family therapy:

Couples Therapy during rehab is a specialized counseling program designed to support couples who are navigating the challenges of addiction recovery together. This form of therapy provides a safe and structured environment where couples can address the impact of substance abuse on their relationship and work towards healing and growth as a team. By addressing both individual and shared issues, couples in rehab can strengthen their bond and increase their chances of sustained recovery, fostering a healthier and happier future together.

Cognitive behavioral therapy:

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a evidence-based psychotherapeutic approach that aims to address dysfunctional emotions, behaviors, and cognitions through a goal-oriented, systematic process. It involves identifying and challenging negative thought patterns and beliefs and replacing them with more constructive ways of thinking and behaving. CBT is commonly used to treat a variety of mental health disorders, including depression, anxiety, and phobias.

Dialectical behavior therapy:

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) for addiction treatment is a comprehensive cognitive-behavioral approach initially developed to treat individuals with borderline personality disorder. Adapted for addiction, DBT emphasizes the development of four core skills: mindfulness, emotion regulation, distress tolerance, and interpersonal effectiveness. Through individual and group sessions, patients learn to understand their triggers, manage negative emotions, cope with cravings, and improve relationships, all of which contribute to long-term recovery and reduced substance use.

Integrated Mental and Substance Use Disorder treatment:

Integrated Mental and Substance Use Disorder treatment is a comprehensive approach to treating individuals with both mental health and substance use disorders. It aims to address both conditions simultaneously through a coordinated and integrated approach. The goal is to improve overall well-being and reduce the risk of relapse.

Telemedicine/telehealth therapy:

Telehealth provides a secure and handy way to access behavioral health care from your home. It eliminates the need for travel, time off work, or organizing childcare. A range of services, including individual therapy, group sessions, and monitoring for anxiety and depression, are available remotely. Rest assured, telehealth video sessions are not recorded, ensuring your information remains as confidential as in-person consultations.

Substance use disorder counseling:

Substance use disorder counseling treatment modalities refer to various approaches and methods used in the counseling and treatment of individuals with substance use problems. This can include individual therapy, group therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, motivational interviewing, family therapy, and 12-step programs. The goal is to help the individual overcome their substance use, develop healthy coping skills, and lead a fulfilling life in recovery.

Trauma-related counseling:

Trauma therapy addresses the underlying emotional and psychological wounds that may contribute to an individual's substance abuse. Through a combination of psychotherapy and coping strategies, individuals are aided in processing past traumatic experiences, understanding the impact of trauma on their current behavior, and developing healthier coping mechanisms. This holistic approach fosters resilience, aids in the resolution of trauma, and is fundamental in supporting individuals on their path toward sustained recovery from addiction.

Family counseling:

Studies consistently show that the likelihood of sustainable recovery increases when family members are involved in rehab and substance abuse treatment. Genetic elements might influence susceptibility to drug and alcohol dependence and mental health challenges. Family interactions frequently contribute to addiction triggers. However, with the right education, family members can become pivotal support pillars during rehabilitation.

Marital/couples counseling:

Marital/couples counseling treatment modalities refer to various therapeutic approaches used to help couples resolve conflicts, improve communication, and strengthen their relationship. These modalities can include cognitive-behavioral therapy, emotionally focused therapy, solution-focused therapy, and integrative approaches. The goal of these treatments is to help couples identify and address underlying issues and develop healthy relationship dynamics.

Intervention Services:

Intervention refers to organized efforts designed to guide individuals away from potentially harmful behaviors or decisions and towards healthier alternatives. Often used in the context of substance abuse or addiction, these services employ a structured approach where professionals, loved ones, and peers come together to confront the individual in a supportive manner, emphasizing the need for change and providing pathways for treatment or assistance. The goal is to break through denial, facilitate recognition of the problem, and initiate positive change.

Motivational interviewing:

Motivational Interviewing (MI) is a client-centered therapeutic approach that fosters behavioral change by assisting individuals in exploring and resolving ambivalence. Specifically tailored for addiction treatment, MI helps clients unearth their own motivations to quit substance use and empowers them to take the lead in their recovery journey. Therapists guide clients toward their goals and self-determined pathways to sobriety through empathetic conversation and skillful questioning.

Anger management:

"Anger Management" refers to a set of therapeutic techniques and exercises that help individuals recognize the signs of their growing anger and take action to calm down and deal with situations in a constructive manner. It aims to reduce both emotional feelings and the physiological arousal that anger can cause, ensuring that anger does not lead to aggressive outbursts or other harmful actions. Individuals can navigate tense situations with more remarkable composure and control by understanding triggers and developing healthy coping strategies.

Relapse prevention:

The Relapse Prevention Model plays a pivotal role in the treatment of alcoholism. Utilizing a blend of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), this model is particularly valuable for individuals who have experienced multiple relapses. Through this approach, those in recovery are equipped with essential coping skills, empowered for their journey, and guided in adopting healthier habits.

Ancillary Services


  • Sign language services for the deaf and hard of hearing

Additional Services

  • Pharmacotherapies administered during treatment
  • Mentoring/peer support
  • Drug or alcohol urine screening

Special Programs

  • Clients with co-occurring mental and substance use disorders
  • Pregnant/postpartum women
  • Clients who have experienced trauma
  • Children/adolescents with serious emotional disturbance (SED)
  • Persons 18 and older with serious mental illness (SMI)

Additional Locations

Napoleon, Ohio, 43545
Berea, Ohio, 44017
Napoleon, Ohio, 43545

Contact Information

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401 West Tuscarawas Street, Canton, Ohio, 44702
Updated September 26, 2023

DISCLAIMER: The facility name, logo and brand are the property and registered trademarks of OhioGuidestone, and are being used for identification and informational purposes only. Use of these names, logos and brands shall not imply endorsement. BetterAddictionCare.com is not affiliated with or sponsored by OhioGuidestone.

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