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Gainesville, Missouri

Family Counseling Center - Ozark County

Rehab Center
Outpatient Treatment
Accredited Medical Provider
Grants and Private Insurance accepted
Family Counseling Center - Ozark County


Family Counseling Center - Ozark County is a substance abuse treatment center for people seeking treatment near Ozark County. As part of their treatment modalities for recovery, Family Counseling Center - Ozark County provides 12-step facilitation during treatment. Family Counseling Center - Ozark County is located in Gainesville, Missouri, accepting county or local government funds for treatment.

Family Counseling Center - Ozark County at a Glance

Payment Options

  • County or local government funds
  • Community Mental Health Block Grants
  • Community Service Block Grants
  • Medicaid
  • Other State funds


  • Comprehensive mental health assessment
  • Comprehensive substance use assessment

Age Groups

  • Adults
  • Young adults


  • Private non-profit organization


Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF):

CARF accreditation is a globally recognized certification for rehabilitation and human service organizations. It signifies that an organization meets high-quality standards and is committed to providing top-level care. Achieving CARF accreditation involves a rigorous evaluation process, including on-site surveys. This accreditation enhances an organization's reputation, instills trust in clients and funders, and encourages ongoing excellence in the field.

Treatment At Family Counseling Center - Ozark County

Conditions Treated

Mental health treatment:

Mental health treatment involves a range of therapeutic approaches, provided by licensed professionals, to address mental health challenges. It includes psychotherapy, medication, and holistic practices to help individuals manage conditions, improve coping skills, and enhance overall well-being. The goal is to empower individuals to lead fulfilling lives and reduce the stigma surrounding mental health.


Alcohol addiction is a condition where a person's brain gets used to having alcohol, making it hard for them to control their drinking. This can lead to feeling down, acting without thinking, wanting alcohol strongly, and feeling sick if they don't drink. To help with this, treatment programs are available. These usually include a guided process to safely stop drinking, talking with professionals to work through problems, and joining support groups with others facing similar issues. While these treatments can't fully cure the addiction, they provide tools and support to help individuals live a better life and keep their drinking under control.

Opioid Addiction:

Opioid rehabilitation centers are dedicated to assisting individuals overcoming opioid dependence. They cater to those battling addiction from illicit opioids such as heroin, as well as those addicted to prescription medications like oxycodone. These facilities may provide a holistic approach that encompasses both physical care, which often involves medical detox and ongoing medical assistance (including medications), and psychological care through comprehensive therapy to tackle the root causes of addiction.

Substance use treatment:

Substance use rehabilitation embodies a holistic treatment approach crafted to assist individuals contending with drug or alcohol addiction. This all-encompassing rehabilitation strategy encompasses two crucial components: initially addressing the physical dependency, frequently commencing with detoxification, and subsequently confronting the psychological triggers through a diverse array of therapeutic methods. The overarching objective is to empower individuals to achieve and maintain sobriety while equipping them with essential skills and coping mechanisms for a successful reintegration into society and a life free from substance abuse.

Co-occurring Disorders:

Dual-diagnosis rehabilitation centers focus on treating individuals with simultaneous mental health and substance use disorders. The intertwined nature of addiction and mental health issues can intensify each other's symptoms, complicating recovery. These centers provide a holistic treatment strategy addressing both conditions together, often encompassing thorough evaluations, a blend of therapeutic methods, family counseling, and post-treatment care.

Levels Of Care

Intensive outpatient treatment:

Intensive Outpatient (IOP) is a form of structured therapy designed to support individuals in recovery from addiction, mental health disorders, or other medical conditions. Unlike inpatient or residential treatment, where patients live at the facility, IOP allows individuals to receive high-level care while still living at home and maintaining specific day-to-day responsibilities. Typically, patients in IOP programs attend sessions multiple times per week, often totaling 9-20 hours or more. These sessions can include individual therapy, group therapy, family counseling, and educational classes focused on skills and strategies for managing symptoms and preventing relapse.


Drug and alcohol addiction often takes a heavy toll on one's body. Over time, a physical dependence can develop, meaning the body physiologically needs the substance to function. Detox is the process of removing drugs and/or alcohol from the body, a process that can be lethal if mismanaged. Medical detox is done by licensed medical professionals who monitor vital signs and keep you safe, healthy, and as comfortable as possible as you go through detox and withdrawal. The length of stay at the detoxification program is determined according to the specific needs of the patient.


Aftercare refers to the structured support and programs offered to individuals after completing an initial treatment phase for substance abuse or other disorders. Recognizing that recovery is an ongoing process, aftercare provides continued counseling, skill-building, group therapy, and resources to help individuals maintain sobriety, manage triggers, and reintegrate into daily life, reducing the risk of relapse and ensuring long-term success in recovery.


Outpatient programs are designed for individuals in stable medical condition with a low risk of relapse, often those who've completed inpatient treatment. These programs extend the foundation of prior treatment approaches, offering continuous addiction guidance and resources for sustained recovery. For those transitioning straight from detox, medical and psychological assessments are typically conducted, leading to the development of individualized treatment strategies. The majority of outpatient rehab centers provide diverse care levels, customized to each client's unique requirements.

Treatment Modalities

12-step facilitation:

12-Step Facilitation is a structured approach employed in rehab facilities to guide individuals through a 12-step program, such as Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous, to support their recovery from addiction. This facilitation focuses on acceptance, surrender to a higher power, and engagement in a community of support. By meticulously working through each step, individuals are encouraged to develop self-awareness, seek amends, and cultivate a sober, healthier lifestyle through ongoing participation in a recovery-oriented community. This method aims at ensuring a lasting recovery by instilling a sense of accountability and fostering a supportive network of like-minded individuals.

Family counseling:

Studies consistently show that the likelihood of sustainable recovery increases when family members are involved in rehab and substance abuse treatment. Genetic elements might influence susceptibility to drug and alcohol dependence and mental health challenges. Family interactions frequently contribute to addiction triggers. However, with the right education, family members can become pivotal support pillars during rehabilitation.

Individual psychotherapy:

Individual therapy is a one-on-one therapeutic interaction between a therapist and a client to address personal challenges, foster self-awareness, and promote mental, emotional, and behavioral growth. This setting provides a confidential and supportive environment for individuals to explore their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, identify goals, and develop coping strategies. Individual therapy can be beneficial for a range of concerns, including anxiety, depression, stress management, relationship issues, and life transitions.

Group counseling:

Group Counseling is a therapeutic approach where individuals come together under the guidance of a trained counselor to share experiences, provide mutual support, and gain insights. It fosters a sense of community, promotes understanding through diverse perspectives, and offers personal growth and problem-solving strategies.

Life Skills:

Life skills training encompasses a comprehensive set of abilities essential for individuals to thrive in society. These encompass time management, career guidance, financial acumen, and effective communication. In the context of addiction recovery, true success goes beyond mere abstinence; it's about flourishing. Life skills instruction equips individuals with the practical tools needed to navigate society successfully, paving the way for a fulfilling life and, consequently, lasting sobriety.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy:

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a form of psychotherapy that emphasizes the critical role of thinking in how we feel and what we do. It aims to identify and challenge distorted or negative thought patterns and behaviors, teaching individuals to replace them with more constructive and rational beliefs. CBT is evidence-based and has been shown to be effective in treating a variety of psychological disorders, including depression, anxiety, and phobias, among others.

Motivational Interviewing:

Motivational Interviewing (MI) is a client-centered therapeutic approach that fosters behavioral change by assisting individuals in exploring and resolving ambivalence. Specifically tailored for addiction treatment, MI helps clients unearth their own motivations to quit substance use and empowers them to take the lead in their recovery journey. Therapists guide clients toward their goals and self-determined pathways to sobriety through empathetic conversation and skillful questioning.

Family Counseling Center - Ozark County

Additional Locations

Kennett, Missouri, 63857
Gainesville, Missouri, 65655

Contact Information

Family Counseling Center - Ozark County
Write a Review
18 Court House Square, Gainesville, Missouri, 65655
Updated September 26, 2023

DISCLAIMER: The facility name, logo and brand are the property and registered trademarks of Family Counseling Center - Ozark County, and are being used for identification and informational purposes only. Use of these names, logos and brands shall not imply endorsement. BetterAddictionCare.com is not affiliated with or sponsored by Family Counseling Center - Ozark County.

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