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Steroid Treatment

We want the best for ourselves and our loved ones, and that involves making sure we and others are free from addictions to harmful substances. Some of the more commonly abused drugs are anabolic steroids. Addiction to anabolic steroids often starts innocently enough – an individual may just want to improve their athletic performance. But an addiction to steroids will prove incredibly damaging in the long term, and if you’re looking out for yourself and others, you will want to know the signs of steroid addiction. That way, you can know whether it is time to pursue professional steroid addiction help.

3 Minute Read | Published Jan 23 2024 | Updated Mar 10 2024 Expert Verified
Emma Collins
Written by
Dameisha Gibson
Reviewed by
Emma Collins
Written by
Dameisha Gibson
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Steroid Addiction Symptoms

Steroids are dangerous because they can cause permanent liver, kidney, and heart damage as well as a host of other problems. Fortunately, it is not that difficult to detect an addiction to steroids. That’s a great thing because it means that the abuse can be addressed. If you or someone you love is displaying the signs of steroid addiction, it’s imperative that you get help right away.

Individuals who are seeking the enhancement of physical performance in areas such as weightlifting and other sports are the primary consumers of illegal anabolic steroids. Addiction signs, therefore, often show up as changes in the body. For example, individuals who rapidly increase their muscle mass in a period of ten weeks or fewer may have an addiction and need customized steroid addiction help. Also, look for an increase in the frequency and duration of workouts in association with this gain of muscle mass. Younger men seem to be at a particularly high risk of abusing steroids, so you should be especially concerned if you see these signs in them.

Other less noticeable indications of addiction to steroids include track marks from the needles used to inject the drugs. Increased acne may also indicate steroid abuse. Either of these could be signs of the need for enrollment in an addiction recovery program that is supervised by highly trained medical professionals. If you are at all concerned, it is wise to speak with a counselor immediately. Our client care specialists can help you if you suspect that you or someone you love is a steroid addict.

Anabolic Steroid Addiction

Anabolic steroids are known to develop dependence in users, which means that there is potential for withdrawal symptoms. These anabolic steroid withdrawal symptoms include fatigue, restlessness, loss of appetite, insomnia, reduced sex drive, cravings for more steroids, and even depression. Dependency on anabolic steroids should be taken extremely seriously, and Better Addiction Care is here to help. 

Is Anabolic Steroid Withdrawal Dangerous? 

Withdrawal from these kinds of steroids is extremely dangerous because of the mood swings and emotional turbulence that accompany depression. If the person that is addicted to anabolic steroids is prone to self-harm or self-esteem issues, steroid withdrawal should be taken extremely seriously. 

Are Steroid Inhalers Addictive? 

Steroid inhalers are not inherently addictive, but they do have the potential for dependence. Since these inhalers are usually used to treat asthma, some people may develop a psychological dependence on the medication. 

Steroid Addiction Help

If you or a loved one are addicted to steroids, you will need to seek the help of experienced professionals. Better Addiction Care is dedicated to matching people struggling with addiction with a treatment center that is best for their specific case. We understand that no two cases of addiction are the same, which is why we make an effort to find a treatment center that is best for the case in question. When it comes to someone that is addicted to steroids, treatment is much different than recreational drugs because they do not provide the feeling of being high, but they can cause dependency issues like other drugs, which can lead to withdrawal symptoms.

Call Today

At Better Addiction Care, we can match you with a top addiction recovery program near you. Our providers are accepting new patients, and you will receive treatment that is fully confidential. We’re here to serve you. Fill out our contact form for more information on accredited addiction help.


bullet National Institute on Drug Abuse (2021)
"DrugFacts: Anabolic Steroids"
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bullet American Psychiatric Association (2013)
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bullet Kanayama, G., & Pope, H. G. (2012)
"History and epidemiology of anabolic androgens in athletes and non-athletes. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, 342(1-2), 4-11"
Retrieved on September 09, 2020
bullet Bahrke, M. S., & Yesalis, C. E. (2004)
"Abuse of anabolic androgenic steroids and related substances in sport and exercise. Current Opinion in Pharmacology, 4(6), 614-620"
Retrieved on September 09, 2020
bullet Kutscher, E. C., Lund, B. C., & Perry, P. J. (2002)
"Anabolic steroids: a review for the clinician. Sports Medicine, 32(5), 285-296"
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bullet Kanayama, G., Hudson, J. I., & Pope, H. G. (2008)
"Long-term psychiatric and medical consequences of anabolic-androgenic steroid abuse: a looming public health concern? Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 98(1-2), 1-12"
Retrieved on September 09, 2020
bullet Pope, H. G., Kanayama, G., Athey, A., Ryan, E., & Hudson, J. I. (2014)
"The lifetime prevalence of anabolic-androgenic steroid use and dependence in Americans: current best estimates. American Journal on Addictions, 23(4), 371-377"
Retrieved on September 09, 2020
bullet Evren, C., Durkaya, M., & Evren, B. (2005)
"Clinical characteristics of anabolic steroid-induced hypomania in male bodybuilders. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 46(6), 448-452"
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bullet Kanayama, G., Pope, H. G., Cohane, G., Hudson, J. I., & Oliva, P. (2003)
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bullet Evans, N. A. (2004)
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