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Benzo Addiction Signs and Symptoms

Benzodiazepines or “benzos” are depressants that work with the central nervous system and affect functioning in the brain. The drug is prescribed to produce sedation, relieve anxiety and muscle spasms, and help reduce seizures. Like most drugs, benzodiazepines are not exempt from substance abuse. Benzos are addictive and improper usage leads to multiple health complications and increases the risk of an overdose. Before a person takes benzos, it’s vital to be aware of benzo addiction signs, side effects, and withdrawal symptoms.  

3 Minute Read | Published Aug 17 2023 | Updated Feb 29 2024 Expert Verified
Emma Collins
Written by
David Levin
Reviewed by
Emma Collins
Written by
David Levin
Reviewed by

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Signs of Benzo Addiction

Did you know that Klonopin is among the most addictive benzos and has caused serious long-term health complications for many people? Overall, benzos are reported to cause physical dependence since people tend to build a tolerance quickly to the drug. Valium, Xanax, and Ativan are other brand names for benzos that are regularly prescribed for those struggling with anxiety or needing to reduce seizure symptoms. 

Various concerns may be brought to someone’s attention if they believe their loved one, close friend, or co-worker is displaying signs of benzodiazepine abuse. Signs of benzo addiction include a person taking frequent and larger doses of the drug and establishing a tolerance. 

In addition, there may be a lack of performance in the workplace, at school, at home, or while dealing with other important matters. Risky behavior such as stealing or lying is often a recurring issue. Addicts regularly crave the drug’s effects and will do what they can to get their hands on the drug. An addict will need to undergo a benzo detox and consider proper treatment to return to living a sober life. 

Benzo Addiction Symptoms 

People who are addicted to benzos will crave the drug and experience benzo withdrawal symptoms shortly after the last use. Depending on the person, the regular intake and dose amount, and the type of benzo, the symptoms can be more or less severe and take a longer or shorter period of time to endure. Here are the common symptoms an addict will face during withdrawal: 

  • Hand tremors 
  • Heart palpitations
  • Excessive sweating 
  • Muscle stiffness
  • Anxiety or panic attacks 
  • Headaches or migraines 
  • Increased tension or irritability 
  • Insomnia or irregular sleeping patterns 

Less common symptoms are seizures or worsening seizure symptoms, psychotic reactions, and hallucinations. In addition, benzo drug addiction can lead to experiencing frightening withdrawal symptoms and side effects. Understanding the signs of addiction may help people be aware of their reactions and response to the drug, avoid denial, and receive proper care.  

Addiction Treatment at Better Addiction Care 

Finding the right benzo addiction treatment rehab is the next step after admitting there is a problem. At Better Addiction Care, we are here to help patients receive the skills, treatment, and resources they need to recover and return to living a life under their control. Our team of experts understands that addiction is experienced differently by everyone. We are here to make sure that you safely get through the withdrawal process and gather new skills to prevent relapse. 

Contact a specialist at Better Addiction Care today by calling (800) 429-7690 and ask about our types of rehab treatment programs to get started! 

Related Readings: 

Benzo Overdose

Signs of Side Effects of a Vicodin Addiction


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bullet Votaw VR, Geyer R, Rieselbach MM, McHugh RK.
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