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10 Benefits Of Staying Sober During The Holidays

The holiday season brings stress for everyone, but when you are in recovery from alcohol abuse or drug addiction, the temptation to relapse can be very strong. Being sober is the number one reason for celebration because you will truly be able to enjoy this special season with the people you love. When family members and friends are having a few drinks to celebrate, remember these 10 benefits of staying sober during the holidays.

4 Minute Read | Published Aug 09 2023 | Updated Mar 08 2024 Expert Verified
Emma Collins
Written by
David Levin
Reviewed by
Emma Collins
Written by
David Levin
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There are Many Benefits of Staying Sober this Holiday Season…

10 Benefits Of Staying Sober During The Holidays

Being sobers means enjoying and remember all the events that take place over the holidays. Opening gifts, Christmas stockings, watching a child’s excitement, pumpkin pie, steamy mugs of hot chocolate topped with gooey marshmallow, and kissing someone you love under the mistletoe are just a few of the things you might enjoy over the holidays. Here are 10 benefits of staying sober during the holidays.

  1. The holidays are a great time for strengthening fragile family relationships. Being sober at family gatherings shows family members you are serious about your recovery and your future.
  2. You will fully enjoy and remember all the holiday festivities including delicious family meals.
  3. You will be setting an example to younger family members by being sober.
  4. You won’t be embarrassed the next day because of your behavior, and you won’t blackout.
  5. You won’t have any hangovers to keep you from going to work the next day.
  6. There will be no overdose trips to the emergency room.
  7. You’ll look and smell good.
  8. You can participate in family traditions and games and be at your best.
  9. No legal problems will occur from driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  10. No family members or friends will be angry with you.

Of course there are many other benefits to remaining sober over the holidays, and many of them are personal. Write out a list and place it in a place where you can reflect on it often during the day.

Tips For Staying Sober At Parties

Very few holiday parties are without alcoholic beverages. If feel you must attend one because of your job or family commitments, prepare yourself in advance with all the tools you have in your recovery arsenal. Use the following tips for staying sober at parties:

  • Post a few notes around the house reminding yourself of how “freeing” it is to be sober.
  • Create phone alerts that will give you a “stay sober” message every half hour while you are at the party.
  • Keep a glass or bottle of water or soda in your hand at all times to reduce the chance of people offering you a drink.
  • If you feel tempted, take a break and call your sponsor or a sober friend for some moral support.
  • Don’t stay to the end of an office party. Be sociable, have a bite to eat, offer holiday wishes to everyone, and excuse yourself early explaining you have obligations at home.
  • If anyone tells you that “one drink won’t hurt you,” it’s time to immediately leave and call your sponsor. Any person who would try to get someone in recovery to take a drink or a joint has no respect for your accomplishments.
  • Have an exit strategy planned out in case you feel you need to leave a party, or be the designated driver.
  • Remember your triggers, and have them on your phone to remind you.
  • Hungry, angry, lonely, and tired (HALT) are times when you are more vulnerable to relapse and should head for home.
  • If you are heading out of town for the holidays, locate a meeting place ahead of time and be sure to attend.

How To Stay Sober From Drugs

Diabetics have to stay away from sugars and certain foods or risk a health crisis. Addiction is also a disease that can destroy a person’s health (both mental and physical). You need to know how to stay sober from drugs. It’s important to identify your triggers. Tape them to the bathroom mirror and read them every day as you get ready for work or school. Talk to us today to get the proper drug rehab that you need.

If you, a friend, or loved one does relapse over the holidays, call Better Addiction Care right now at (800) 429-7690. One of their counselors will connect you with the right addiction care facility to get right back on track.


bullet Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). (2020).
"Celebrate Safely: Alcohol-Free Holidays."
Retrieved on December 18, 2017
bullet National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). (2020).
"Substance Use and SUDs in LGBTQ+ Populations."
Retrieved on December 18, 2017
bullet Mayo Clinic. (2021).
"Alcohol Use Disorder: Treatments and Drugs."
Retrieved on December 18, 2017
bullet American Psychological Association (APA). (2021).
"Alcohol Use: How to Cut Back on Your Drinking."
Retrieved on December 18, 2017
bullet National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (NCADD). (n.d.).
"Celebrate Safely: Alcohol-Free Holidays."
Retrieved on December 18, 2017
bullet National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI). (n.d.).
"Navigating a Mental Health Crisis: A NAMI Resource Guide for Those Experiencing a Mental Health Emergency."
Retrieved on December 18, 2017
bullet Recovery Research Institute. (2021).
"The Benefits of Sobriety: How Staying Sober Can Transform Your Life."
Retrieved on December 18, 2017

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