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Common Challenges In Recovery From Addiction

When you consider all the challenges in recovery, relapse is the biggest obstacle people face. Every day individuals in recovery face obstacles and triggers that can draw them into relapse. It is estimated that as many as fifty-percent of recovering addicts experience relapse at least once. An immediate response can help him or her get back on track quickly.

3 Minute Read | Published Aug 22 2023 | Updated Mar 07 2024 Expert Verified
Emma Collins
Written by
Dr. Norman Chazin
Reviewed by
Emma Collins
Written by
Dr. Norman Chazin
Reviewed by

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Challenges In Recovery From Addiction Can Be Overcome

Common Challenges In Recovery From Addiction

Social stigma is one of many challenges in recovery that faces everyone. Misunderstandings about the nature of addiction causes many people to judge those who have deal with it every day. When a person in recovery recognizes others are skeptical about their progress, it triggers feelings of discouragement. Whispers or critical comments behind someone’s back will find their way to that person, and if he or she is not prepared to deal with the looks and words it can result in emotional turmoil.

Addicts in recovery are fragile and they need the support and attention of everyone in their immediate life. Co-workers, family, friends, and other associates should be aware that recovering addicts already feel like they have failed everyone. It’s essential to let them know they are not being judged for past actions and damaged relationships. Another one of the challenges in recovery from addiction is the effort to reestablish relationships within the family and with friends. Some people can not forgive the lies, stealing, and behavioral problems the individual engaged in when allowing the addiction to rule his or her life, and all the apologizing falls by the wayside.

The recovering addict needs to just let go of those people after making apologies and restitution if needed. Under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol, the mind is weakened and poor decisions are made. In recovery, the body and mind are being restored and will be able to think rationally again. This takes time, and the very best thing family and friends can do is to be part of a positive thinking support group. Without the emotional support of those who are important to the addict, he or she may give up and relapse.

Challenges In Early Sobriety

While people are in rehab, they are on a fairly busy schedule. After breakfast there are meetings, support group activities, exercise, therapy classes, and other activities that fill out the day. There may be social activities in the evening as well. When the person returns home, he or she is responsible for keeping their activities healthy and sober. The challenges in early sobriety include creating the structure of a daily schedule including time for personal reflection, physical exercise, mediation or prayer, a hobby, and other equally positive activities. Doing volunteer work can be especially rewarding for people in early recovery.

Benefits Of Sobriety

The benefits of sobriety are unlimited. Physical and mental health improvements are the foundation for all the other rewards sobriety brings. When the mind is clear, people can make positive decisions, dispel negativism, build relationships, accomplish tasks, and experience emotional growth. It doesn’t happen overnight, but it does happen a little more each day. Some more nice benefits of sobriety include the following:

  • There is no more reason to lie to the ones you love.
  • There is no reason to miss work.
  • You use your money to pay bills, buy things for your family, and save for your future.
  • You have a future, and you can make plans.
  • There is no reason to be ashamed of yourself.

Better Addiction Care (BAC) helps addicts connect with treatment facilities that offer the type of care they need. BAC’s referral service is free, and they can save you days of time researching to find the treatment center that offers the services you need. Call BAC at (800) 429-7690 and talk to an addiction specialist. It may be the call that saves your life.


bullet Chicago Tribune
"Life as a recovering addict"
Retrieved on May 16, 2018
bullet USC News
"Nutritional guidance often missing from substance abuse treatment"
Retrieved on May 16, 2018
bullet Psychology Today.
"Enjoy Sobriety"
Retrieved on May 16, 2018

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