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Finding Hope and Support: AA and NA Meetings in Indianapolis, Indiana

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Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Meetings inIndianapolis, Indiana

AA is a worldwide fellowship of individuals with a common goal: achieving and maintaining sobriety. Indianapolis boasts a strong AA community, with more than 264 meetings held throughout the city. These meetings are open to anyone seeking help, regardless of their background, age, or the severity of their alcohol problem.

The core principles of AA revolve around the 12-step program, which encourages members to admit their powerlessness over alcohol, seek a higher power for guidance, and make amends for past wrongs. The sense of community and understanding in AA meetings is a powerful motivator for individuals on their journey to recovery. Whether you're a newcomer or a seasoned member, AA meetings in Indianapolis offer a welcoming and non-judgmental atmosphere where you can share your experiences, challenges, and triumphs.

Upcoming Meetings in Next 90 Minutes

Find AA meetings in Indianapolis, Indiana to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Indianapolis, Indiana includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.

Open Meeting
Sunday Afternoon Sobriety Group
3:30 PM EST
441 South Ritter Avenue, Indianapolis, IN, 46201
Wheelchair Access
Closed Meeting
4 00 Oclock Big Book Study Group
4:00 PM EST
4627 Carvel Avenue, Indianapolis, IN, 46201

AA and NA Meetings in Indianapolis, Indiana

Find AA meetings in Indianapolis, Indiana to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Indianapolis, Indiana includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.

Meeting Name
Group Name
Meeting Type
6:00 AM EST
Fanatics Group
Fanatics Group
4627 Carvel Avenue, Indianapolis, IN, 46201
Closed Meeting
6:30 AM EST
MF Am Serenity Group
MF Am Serenity Group
441 South Ritter Avenue, Indianapolis, IN, 46201
Open Meeting
6:45 AM EST
Mens Early Risers
Mens Early Risers
4627 Carvel Avenue, Indianapolis, IN, 46201
Closed Meeting
7:00 AM EST
Sunday 7 AM Mens Dialogue Group
Sunday 7 AM Mens Dialogue Group
4627 Carvel Avenue, Indianapolis, IN, 46201
Closed Meeting
7:00 AM EST
Sunday at Seven
Sunday at Seven
4627 Carvel Avenue, Indianapolis, IN, 46201
Closed Meeting
7:00 AM EST
4627 At 7 Group
4627 At 7 Group
4627 Carvel Avenue, Indianapolis, IN, 46201
Closed Meeting
7:00 AM EST
Eye Opener Indianapolis
Eye Opener Indianapolis
441 South Ritter Avenue, Indianapolis, IN, 46201
Closed Meeting
7:00 AM EST
Saturday Morning Warm Up Group
Saturday Morning Warm Up Group
4627 Carvel Avenue, Indianapolis, IN, 46201
Closed Meeting
7:30 AM EST
Carrying The Message Men
Carrying The Message Men
8102a Clearvista Parkway, Indianapolis, IN, 46201
Open Meeting
8:00 AM EST
Northwest Earlybird
Northwest Earlybird
118 North Girls School Road, Indianapolis, IN, 46201
Open Meeting
8:00 AM EST
Saturday Breakfast Dialogue
Saturday Breakfast Dialogue
4627 Carvel Avenue, Indianapolis, IN, 46201
Closed Meeting
8:30 AM EST
Saturday Morning Promises Newcomers Meeting Womens
Saturday Morning Promises Newcomers Meeting Womens
8615 Spring Mill Road, Indianapolis, IN, 46201
Open Meeting
9:00 AM EST
Got Home Group
Got Home Group
4627 Carvel Avenue, Indianapolis, IN, 46201
Closed Meeting
9:00 AM EST
Saturday Morning Promises Women
Saturday Morning Promises Women
8615 Spring Mill Road, Indianapolis, IN, 46201
Open Meeting
9:30 AM EST
Saturday Morning Mens Discussion
Saturday Morning Mens Discussion
6450 West 10th Street, Indianapolis, IN, 46201
Closed Meeting
9:30 AM EST
Saturday Morning Live
Saturday Morning Live
1424 Central Avenue, Indianapolis, IN, 46201
Open Meeting
9:30 AM EST
Monday Morning Big Book
Monday Morning Big Book
4627 Carvel Avenue, Indianapolis, IN, 46201
Closed Meeting
9:30 AM EST
Sunday Morning Breakfast Indianapolis
Sunday Morning Breakfast
8102 Clearvista Parkway, Indianapolis, IN, 46201
Open Meeting
9:30 AM EST
Sunday Mens Breakfast
Sunday Mens Breakfast
1601 Barth Avenue, Indianapolis, IN, 46201
Open Meeting
10:00 AM EST
Speedway 12 and 12
Speedway 12 and 12
3000 North High School Road, Indianapolis, IN, 46201
Closed Meeting
10:00 AM EST
The Silent Alcoholics Meditation
The Silent Alcoholics Meditation
6050 North Meridian Street, Indianapolis, IN, 46201
Open Meeting
10:30 AM EST
Friday Wake Up Group
Friday Wake Up Group
259 East Raymond Street, Indianapolis, IN, 46201
Closed Meeting
10:30 AM EST
Westside Third Tradition Mtg
Westside Third Tradition Mtg
6450 West 10th Street, Indianapolis, IN, 46201
Open Meeting
10:30 AM EST
Only Game In Town Meeting
Only Game In Town Meeting
6450 West 10th Street, Indianapolis, IN, 46201
Open Meeting
10:30 AM EST
Tuesday Morning Group
Tuesday Morning Group
441 South Ritter Avenue, Indianapolis, IN, 46201
Open Meeting
10:30 AM EST
Tuesday Wake Up Group
Tuesday Wake Up Group
259 East Raymond Street, Indianapolis, IN, 46201
Closed Meeting
10:30 AM EST
Little Brown Bag Group
Little Brown Bag Group
259 East Raymond Street, Indianapolis, IN, 46201
Closed Meeting
10:30 AM EST
Learning A New Way Big Book
Learning A New Way Big Book
441 South Ritter Avenue, Indianapolis, IN, 46201
Closed Meeting
10:30 AM EST
Alcoholics In Action Indianapolis
Alcoholics In Action
6450 West 10th Street, Indianapolis, IN, 46201
Closed Meeting
10:30 AM EST
New Life Group Indianapolis
New Life Group Indianapolis
259 East Raymond Street, Indianapolis, IN, 46201
Open Meeting
10:30 AM EST
Blue Monday Group
Blue Monday Group
441 South Ritter Avenue, Indianapolis, IN, 46201
Open Meeting
10:30 AM EST
First Monday Morning Meeting
First Monday Morning Meeting
259 East Raymond Street, Indianapolis, IN, 46201
Closed Meeting
10:30 AM EST
Monday Morning Westside Group
Monday Morning Westside Group
6450 West 10th Street, Indianapolis, IN, 46201
Open Meeting
10:30 AM EST
Sunday Morning After
Sunday Morning After
259 East Raymond Street, Indianapolis, IN, 46201
Open Meeting
10:30 AM EST
Just Another Day
Just Another Day
6450 West 10th Street, Indianapolis, IN, 46201
Closed Meeting
10:30 AM EST
H M S Meeting
H M S Meeting
6450 West 10th Street, Indianapolis, IN, 46201
Closed Meeting
11:00 AM EST
Newcomers Eastside Group
Newcomers Eastside Group
441 South Ritter Avenue, Indianapolis, IN, 46201
Open Meeting
11:00 AM EST
Get Sober or Die
Get Sober or Die
3333 Thompson Road, Indianapolis, IN, 46201
Closed Meeting
11:00 AM EST
Saturday Morning No Smoking
Saturday Morning No Smoking
259 East Raymond Street, Indianapolis, IN, 46201
Open Meeting
11:00 AM EST
Breath of Life Saturday
Breath of Life Saturday
441 South Ritter Avenue, Indianapolis, IN, 46201
Open Meeting
11:00 AM EST
Primary Purpose Group Indianapolis
Primary Purpose Group Indianapolis
441 South Ritter Avenue, Indianapolis, IN, 46201
Open Meeting
11:00 AM EST
Eastside Sunday Morning
Eastside Sunday Morning
441 South Ritter Avenue, Indianapolis, IN, 46201
Open Meeting
11:00 AM EST
Grupo Nueva Esperanza
Grupo Nueva Esperanza
2923 East 10th Street, Indianapolis, IN, 46201
Open Meeting
11:30 AM EST
Monday Lunch Discussion Group
Monday Lunch Discussion Group
4627 Carvel Avenue, Indianapolis, IN, 46201
Closed Meeting
11:30 AM EST
Friday Lunch Discussion Group
Friday Lunch Discussion Group
4627 Carvel Avenue, Indianapolis, IN, 46201
Closed Meeting
11:30 AM EST
Womens Daytime Group
Womens Daytime Group
4627 Carvel Avenue, Indianapolis, IN, 46201
Closed Meeting
11:30 AM EST
Womens Choice Indianapolis
Womens Choice
6450 West 10th Street, Indianapolis, IN, 46201
Open Meeting
11:30 AM EST
Wed Lunch Discussion Group
Wed Lunch Discussion Group
4627 Carvel Avenue, Indianapolis, IN, 46201
Closed Meeting
12:00 PM EST
Womens AA Way of Life
Womens AA Way of Life
8600 North College Avenue, Indianapolis, IN, 46201
Closed Meeting
12:00 PM EST
86th St Brown Bag Group
86th St Brown Bag Group
100 West 86th Street, Indianapolis, IN, 46201
Open Meeting

Addiction Treatment in Indianapolis

Mental Health Kathi and Bob Postlethwait - Mental Health Recovery Center
720 Eskenazi Drive, Indianapolis, Indiana, 46202
Outpatient Treatment
Grants and Private Insurance accepted
Mental Health American Behavioral Counseling
1515 North Post Road, Indianapolis, Indiana, 46219
Outpatient Treatment
Grants and Private Insurance accepted
Mental Health Roudebush VA Medical 1481 West 10th 1
1481 West 10th Street, Indianapolis, Indiana, 46202
Inpatient Treatment
Self-payment options
Mental Health Community Hospitals of Indiana - Gallahue Mental Health Center
7165 Clearvista Way, Indianapolis, Indiana, 46256
Inpatient Detox and Inpatient Treatment
Grants and Private Insurance accepted
Substance Abuse Spero Health 7750 Madison Avenue 1
7750 Madison Avenue, Indianapolis, Indiana, 46227
Outpatient Treatment
Self-payment options
Substance Abuse Emberwood Center 1431 North Delaware 1
1431 North Delaware Street, Indianapolis, Indiana, 46202
Outpatient Treatment
Grants and Private Insurance accepted
Substance Abuse Community Fairbanks Recovery 8102 Clearvista Parkway 1
8102 Clearvista Parkway, Indianapolis, Indiana, 46256
Outpatient Treatment
Grants and Private Insurance accepted
Mental Health Sandra Eskenazi Mental Health Center - Mood Team
5610 Crawfordsville Road, Indianapolis, Indiana, 46224
Outpatient Treatment
Medicaid and Medicare accepted
Substance Abuse Experience Strength and Hope
4954 East 56th Street, Indianapolis, Indiana, 46220
Outpatient Treatment
Private Insurance
Mental Health Aspire Indiana Health 2506 Willowbrook Parkway 1
2506 Willowbrook Parkway, Indianapolis, Indiana, 46205
Outpatient Treatment
Grants and Private Insurance accepted
Substance Abuse Community Health Network - Community Fairbanks Behavioral Health
2040 North Shadeland Avenue, Indianapolis, Indiana, 46219
Outpatient Treatment
Grants and Private Insurance accepted
Substance Abuse CHOICE Program - Treatment in Pregnancy
1400 North Ritter Avenue, Indianapolis, Indiana, 46219
Outpatient Treatment
Grants and Private Insurance accepted
Substance Abuse American Behavioral Counseling - West
855 North High School Road, Indianapolis, Indiana, 46214
Outpatient Treatment
Grants and Private Insurance accepted
Mental Health Buckingham and Associates 8202 Clearvista Parkway 1
8202 Clearvista Parkway, Indianapolis, Indiana, 46256
Outpatient Treatment
Grants and Private Insurance accepted
Substance Abuse Recovery Centers of 8530 Township Line 1
8530 Township Line Road, Indianapolis, Indiana, 46260
Outpatient Treatment
Private Insurance
Substance Abuse Meridian Health Services 4755 Kingsway Drive
4755 Kingsway Drive, Indianapolis, Indiana, 46205
Outpatient Treatment
Grants and Private Insurance accepted
Substance Abuse Elevated Minds
5625 North German Church Road, Indianapolis, Indiana, 46235
Outpatient Treatment
Private Insurance
Substance Abuse Together We Can 5555 North Tacoma 1
5555 North Tacoma Avenue, Indianapolis, Indiana, 46220
Outpatient Treatment
Private Insurance
Mental Health Firefly Children and 2240 North Meridian 1
2240 North Meridian Street, Indianapolis, Indiana, 46208
Outpatient Treatment
Private Insurance
Substance Abuse Landmark Recovery Indianapolis
6330 Digital Way, Indianapolis, Indiana, 46278
Outpatient Treatment
Self-payment options
Substance Abuse AppleGate Recovery 8140 Castleton Road 1
8140 Castleton Road, Indianapolis, Indiana, 46250
Outpatient Detox and Treatment
Medicaid and Medicare accepted
Substance Abuse Fall Creek Counseling
2525 Shadeland Avenue, Indianapolis, Indiana, 46219
Outpatient Treatment
Self-payment options
Substance Abuse Life Recovery Center 3607 West 16th Street
3607 West 16th Street, Indianapolis, Indiana, 46222
Outpatient Treatment
Private Insurance
Mental Health Volunteers of America - Outpatient
912 North Delaware Street, Indianapolis, Indiana, 46202
Outpatient Treatment
Private Insurance

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