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Meeting Name
7:00 PM EST
Church of Christ
615 South 13th Street, Blair, NE, 68008
Blair Group Discussion/Participation, Non-Smoking
7:00 PM EST
Berean Church
406 East 3rd Street, Fremont, NE, 68025
Thursday 8 PM Group Topic
7:00 PM EST
1119 Clinton Street, Plattsmouth, NE, 68048
Plattsmouth Group Smoking, Just For Today Study
7:00 PM EST
1119 Clinton Street, Plattsmouth, NE, 68048
Plattsmouth Group Non-Smoking,
7:00 PM EST
1119 Clinton Street, Plattsmouth, NE, 68048
Plattsmouth Group Smoking, Just For Today Study
7:00 PM EST
Jehovah Shammah Baptist Church
2537 North 62nd Street, Omaha, NE, 68104
Key To Recovery Group
7:00 PM EST
Grace Lutheran Church
1326 South 26th Street, Omaha, NE, 68105
Ultimate Weapon Group Discussion/Participation
7:00 PM EST
Bethel Lutheran Church
1313 South 45th Street, Omaha, NE, 68106
Study Group, Non-Smoking
7:00 PM EST
First Presbyterian Church
216 South 34th Street, Omaha, NE, 68131
Spanish Camello Group
7:00 PM EST
Pella Lutheran Church
303 South 41st Street, Omaha, NE, 68131
Stepping Stones Group Discussion/Participation, Non-Smoking
7:00 PM EST
Fire Department
6th and F Street, Fairmont, NE, 68354
Fairmont NA Group Non-Smoking
7:00 PM EST
First Baptist Church
302 South 7th Street, Nebraska City, NE, 68410
Freedom Recovery Group
7:00 PM EST
Methodist Church
1023 2nd Avenue, Nebraska City, NE, 68410
Basic Recovery Group
7:00 PM EST
Christ United Methodist Church
4530 A Street, Lincoln, NE, 68501
Wednesday Night Group Non-Smoking, Discussion/Participation, Topic
7:00 PM EST
Trinity Episcopal Church
111 South 9th Street, Norfolk, NE, 68701
Norfolk Group
7:00 PM EST
First Christian Church
1206 North Erie Street, Lexington, NE, 68850
Another Chance Group
7:00 PM EST
Dickie Building
116 East 6th Street, North Platte, NE, 69101
Where Dreams Come True Group
7:00 PM EST
Dickie Building
116 East 6th Street, North Platte, NE, 69101
Where Dreams Come True Group Just For Today Study
7:00 PM EST
Dickie Building
116 East 6th Street, North Platte, NE, 69101
Where Dreams Come True Group
7:00 PM EST
Dickie Building
116 East 6th Street, North Platte, NE, 69101
Where Dreams Come True Group
7:00 PM EST
Dickie Building
116 East 6th Street, North Platte, NE, 69101
Where Dreams Come True Group
7:00 PM EST
Dickie Building
116 East 6th Street, North Platte, NE, 69101
Where Dreams Come True Group
7:00 PM EST
Dickie Building
116 East 6th Street, North Platte, NE, 69101
Where Dreams Come True Group
7:00 PM EST
Human Services
419 West 25Th, Alliance, NE, 69301
Freedom Group
7:00 PM EST
Human Services
419 West 25Th, Alliance, NE, 69301
Freedom Group
7:30 PM EST
Keene Memorial Library
1030 North Broad Street, Fremont, NE, 68025
Wednesday Library Group Just For Today Study
7:30 PM EST
Mapleview Free Methodist Church
9525 Maple Street, Omaha, NE, 68102
No Name Group Non-Smoking, It Works Study
7:30 PM EST
Dietz Methodist Church
1423 South 10Th Street, Omaha, NE, 68108
Primetime Group Non-Smoking, Discussion/Participation
7:30 PM EST
Pella Lutheran Church
303 South 41st Street, Omaha, NE, 68131
Responsible Recovery Group, Non-Smoking
7:30 PM EST
Faith Westwood United Methodist Church
4814 Oaks Lane, Omaha, NE, 68137
Clean Dream Group Topic
7:30 PM EST
Faith Westwood United Methodist Church
4814 Oaks Lane, Omaha, NE, 68137
Clean Dream Group IP Study
7:30 PM EST
Faith Westwood United Methodist Church
4814 Oaks Lane, Omaha, NE, 68137
Clean Dream Group
7:30 PM EST
904 Ridge Street, Dawson, NE, 68337
Addix In The Stix Group
7:30 PM EST
League of Human Dignity Building
140 North 17th Street, Lincoln, NE, 68501
Tuesday Night Let it Out Group
7:30 PM EST
Bryan LGH Medical Center West
2300 South 16th Street, Lincoln, NE, 68502
Saturday Night Live Group
7:30 PM EST
Bryan LGH Medical Center West
2300 South 16th Street, Lincoln, NE, 68502
Young Peoples Group Young People
7:30 PM EST
Trinity Episcopal Church
111 South 9th Street, Norfolk, NE, 68701
Norfolk Group
7:30 PM EST
Lutheran Campus Ministries
117 East 10th Street, Wayne, NE, 68787
Wayne Reflection Group
8:00 PM EST
Dana College
28th & Wright Streets, Blair, NE, 68008
Blair Group Discussion/Participation, Non-Smoking
8:00 PM EST
Berean Church
406 East 3rd Street, Fremont, NE, 68025
Monday PM Group
8:00 PM EST
Berean Church
406 East 3rd Street, Fremont, NE, 68025
Tuesday Group Topic
8:00 PM EST
Care Corps
723 North Broad Street, Fremont, NE, 68025
Saturday 8PM Group Just For Today Study
8:00 PM EST
Good Shepherd Church
1440 East Military Avenue, Fremont, NE, 68025
Friday PM Group Topic
8:00 PM EST
Good Shepherd Church
1440 East Military Avenue, Fremont, NE, 68025
Sunday How & Why Group It Works Study
8:00 PM EST
First Presbyterian Church
1318 K Street, Tekamah, NE, 68061
Tekamah Group Discussion/Participation
8:00 PM EST
Unity Church of Omaha
3424 North 90th Street, Omaha, NE, 68134
Into the Solution Group
8:00 PM EST
First Christian Church
205 North 7th Street, Beatrice, NE, 68310
Guardian Angels Group
8:00 PM EST
Stone Street Church
7th Street, Falls City, NE, 68355
Stone Street Relief Group Discussion/Participation
8:00 PM EST
United Congregational Church of Christ
906 H Street, Geneva, NE, 68361
Geneva Group Non-Smoking
8:00 PM EST
Trinity Methodist Church
3rd Street, Rulo, NE, 68431
Saturday Night Alive Group

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