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Finding Hope and Support: AA and NA Meetings in Brooklyn, New York

Meeting Name
7:30 PM EST
Miracles on 58th Street Group
58th Street & 6th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY, 11220
Miracles on 58th Street Group
7:30 PM EST
African Methodist Episcopalian Church
40 Howard Ave, Brooklyn, NY, 11221
Chauncey Live Again Group
7:30 PM EST
Saint Barnabus Church
144 Bleecker Street, Brooklyn, NY, 11221
Basic Tools To Life Group Beginner/Newcomer
7:30 PM EST
Saint Barnabus Church
144 Bleecker Street, Brooklyn, NY, 11221
Grupo Latinos En Recuperacion Speaker
7:30 PM EST
Coney Island in Recovery Group
2940 West 21st Street, Brooklyn, NY, 11224
Coney Island in Recovery Group
7:30 PM EST
Gravesend Community Center
3146 Bayview Ave, Brooklyn, NY, 11224
Inspiration on the Island Group
7:30 PM EST
Hawthorne Corners Day Care Center
1950 Bedford Avenue, Brooklyn, NY, 11225
It gets Better Group Discussion/Participation
7:30 PM EST
Saint Francis of Assisi Church
319 Maple Street, Brooklyn, NY, 11225
Back Together Again Group, Tradition, Literature Study
7:30 PM EST
Saint Francis of Assisi Church
319 Maple Street, Brooklyn, NY, 11225
Back Together Again Group Literature Study
7:30 PM EST
Saint Francis Cabrini
1562 86th Street, Brooklyn, NY, 11228
Dyker Heights Recovery Group Topic, Discussion/Participation
7:30 PM EST
Resurrection Church
2325 Gerritsen Avenue, Brooklyn, NY, 11229
Beach Mircales Group
7:30 PM EST
Saint James Church
2776 Gerritsen Ave, Brooklyn, NY, 11229
Prime Time Group Beginner/Newcomer,
7:30 PM EST
Community Center
547 Howard Avenue, Brooklyn, NY, 11233
Recover & Live Group
7:30 PM EST
Old Dutch Reformed Church
3931 Kings Highway, Brooklyn, NY, 11234
Cafe Serenity Group
7:30 PM EST
Old Dutch Reformed Church
3931 Kings Highway, Brooklyn, NY, 11234
Cafe Serenity Group
7:30 PM EST
Emmanuel Episcopal Church
2635 East 23rd Street, Brooklyn, NY, 11235
Serenity by the Bay Group Beginner/Newcomer
7:30 PM EST
Fort Greene Senior Center
966 Fulton Street, Brooklyn, NY, 11238
Failure Has No Meaning Group
7:45 PM EST
Our Lady of Victory Church
163 Mcdonough Street, Brooklyn, NY, 11216
New Attitudes Group
8:00 PM EST
Brooklyn Gardens
105 Carlton Avenue, Brooklyn, NY, 11205
New Beginnings Group Beginner/Newcomer
8:00 PM EST
Brooklyn Gardens
105 Carlton Avenue, Brooklyn, NY, 11205
New Beginnings Group, Tradition
8:00 PM EST
Saint Saviours School
701 8th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY, 11215
Hope in the Slope Group
8:00 PM EST
Ready Willing & Able
520 Gates Avenue, Brooklyn, NY, 11216
Men Working it out Group Discussion/Participation, Men
8:00 PM EST
Ready Willing & Able
520 Gates Avenue, Brooklyn, NY, 11216
Gates to Recovery Group Beginner/Newcomer
8:00 PM EST
Ready Willing & Able
520 Gates Avenue, Brooklyn, NY, 11216
Deliverance on Gates Group Beginner/Newcomer
8:00 PM EST
The New Baptist Temple Church
360 Schermerhorn Street, Brooklyn, NY, 11217
Saturday Night Live Group
8:00 PM EST
Private Building
357 Marcus Garvey Boulevard, Brooklyn, NY, 11221
Recovery at the Castle Group Beginner/Newcomer
8:00 PM EST
The Lounge
373 Dewitt Avenue, Brooklyn, NY, 11226
Serenity on Tuesday Group Beginner/Newcomer
8:00 PM EST
Saint Agnes Church
433 Sackett Street, Brooklyn, NY, 11231
Recovery in the Garden Group Beginner/Newcomer
8:00 PM EST
Saint Agnes Church
433 Sackett Street, Brooklyn, NY, 11231
Recovery in the Garden Group Discussion/Participation, Men
8:00 PM EST
Saint Agnes Church
433 Sackett Street, Brooklyn, NY, 11231
Recovery in the Garden Group
8:00 PM EST
Church Nazzornico
506 Mcdonough Street, Brooklyn, NY, 11233
Alive in Bed Study Group Beginner/Newcomer, Discussion/Participation
8:00 PM EST
Old Dutch Reformed Church
3931 Kings Highway, Brooklyn, NY, 11234
Cafe Serenity Group
8:00 PM EST
Church Of Saint Luke & Saint Matthew
520 Clinton Avenue, Brooklyn, NY, 11238
New Beginnings Group Beginner/Newcomer

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