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AA and NA Meetings in Zanesville, Ohio: A Beacon of Hope

Speak to addiction Specialist 100% Free and Confidential

An intricate web of support groups thrives, offering solace and hope to those battling addiction. Two of the most prominent groups are Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA), both of which have a substantial presence in Zanesville.

AA and NA Meetings in Zanesville, Ohio

Find AA meetings in Zanesville, Ohio to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Zanesville, Ohio includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.

Meeting Name
Group Name
Meeting Type
9:00 AM EST
Zanesville Early Bird Group
Zanesville Early Bird Group
554 Moxahala Avenue, Zanesville, OH, 43701
Open Meeting
10:00 AM EST
Zanesville Sunday Morning BB Group
Zanesville Sunday Morning BB Group
2951 Maple Avenue, Zanesville, OH, 43701
Open Meeting
12:00 PM EST
Zanesville Sober N Crazy
Zanesville Sober N Crazy
554 Moxahala Avenue, Zanesville, OH, 43701
Open Meeting
12:00 PM EST
Zanesville Into Action Group
Zanesville Into Action Group
554 Moxahala Avenue, Zanesville, OH, 43701
Open Meeting
12:00 PM EST
Zanesville Ladies Butterfly Group
Zanesville Ladies Butterfly Group
554 Moxahala Avenue, Zanesville, OH, 43701
Closed Meeting
12:00 PM EST
Zanesville Recovery Never Ends
Zanesville Recovery Never Ends
467 Woodlawn Avenue, Zanesville, OH, 43701
Open Meeting
12:00 PM EST
Zanesville Good Orderly Direction Group
Zanesville Good Orderly Direction Group
554 Moxahala Avenue, Zanesville, OH, 43701
Open Meeting
12:00 PM EST
Zanesville High Noon Group
Zanesville High Noon Group
554 Moxahala Avenue, Zanesville, OH, 43701
Open Meeting
12:00 PM EST
Zanesville Tuesday Today Group
Zanesville Tuesday Today Group
554 Moxahala Avenue, Zanesville, OH, 43701
Open Meeting
12:00 PM EST
Zanesville Steps to Serenity
Zanesville Steps to Serenity
554 Moxahala Avenue, Zanesville, OH, 43701
Open Meeting
5:00 PM EST
Zanesville New Life Directions
Zanesville New Life Directions
554 Moxahala Avenue, Zanesville, OH, 43701
Open Meeting
5:00 PM EST
Zanesville Learning About Sobriety Group
Zanesville Learning About Sobriety Group
554 Moxahala Avenue, Zanesville, OH, 43701
Open Meeting
5:30 PM EST
Zanesville Keep It Simple Joe and Charlie
Zanesville Keep It Simple Joe and Charlie
554 Moxahala Avenue, Zanesville, OH, 43701
Open Meeting
6:00 PM EST
Zanesville How and Why Group
Zanesville How and Why Group
554 Moxahala Avenue, Zanesville, OH, 43701
Open Meeting
6:00 PM EST
Zanesville Ladies Sober Support Group
Zanesville Ladies Sober Support Group
554 Moxahala Avenue, Zanesville, OH, 43701
Open Meeting
6:00 PM EST
Zane State Friday Night Group
Zane State Friday Night Group
1555 Newark Road, Zanesville, OH, 43701
Open Meeting
8:00 PM EST
Zanesville Feelings in a Can Group
Zanesville Feelings in a Can Group
467 Woodlawn Avenue, Zanesville, OH, 43701
Open Meeting
8:00 PM EST
Zanesville Crazy In Sobriety Group
Zanesville Crazy In Sobriety Group
554 Moxahala Avenue, Zanesville, OH, 43701
Open Meeting
8:00 PM EST
Zanesville Learn To Listen
Zanesville Learn To Listen
554 Moxahala Avenue, Zanesville, OH, 43701
Open Meeting
8:00 PM EST
Zanesville Downtown Group
Zanesville Downtown Group
155 North 6th Street, Zanesville, OH, 43701
Open Meeting
8:00 PM EST
Zanesville Garage Group
Zanesville Garage Group
2170 Highland Road, Zanesville, OH, 43701
Closed Meeting
8:00 PM EST
Zanesville Listen to Learn Group
Zanesville Listen to Learn Group
554 Moxahala Avenue, Zanesville, OH, 43701
Open Meeting
8:00 PM EST
Zanesville Y Bridge Group
Zanesville Y Bridge Group
467 Woodlawn Avenue, Zanesville, OH, 43701
Open Meeting
8:00 PM EST
Zanesville Northside Group
Zanesville Northside Group
115 North 6th Street, Zanesville, OH, 43701
Open Meeting

Find The Best Local Rehab Centers In Zanesville 2025

Substance Abuse Genesis Healthcare System 2951 Maple Avenue 1
2951 Maple Avenue, Zanesville, Ohio, 43701
Outpatient Rehab
Grants and Private Insurance accepted


Alcohol Rehabilitation 8.00
Drug Rehab and Detox 7.54
Treatment Options 6.85
Insurance and Payments 6.00
Mental Health Allwell Behavioral Health 2845 Bell Street 1
2845 Bell Street, Zanesville, Ohio, 43701
Outpatient and Partial Hospitalization Program
Grants and Private Insurance accepted


Alcohol Rehabilitation 8.00
Treatment Options 6.73
Drug Rehab and Detox 6.00
Insurance and Payments 6.00
Mental Health Allwell Behavioral Health Services - Crisis Stabilization Center
3405 Dillon Acres Drive, Zanesville, Ohio, 43701
Outpatient Rehab
Grants and Self-payment options


Alcohol Rehabilitation 8.00
Treatment Options 6.73
Drug Rehab and Detox 6.00
Insurance and Payments 6.00
Substance Abuse Cedar Ridge Behavioral Health Solutions
441 Putnam Avenue, Zanesville, Ohio, 43701
Outpatient Rehab
Grants and Private Insurance accepted


Alcohol Rehabilitation 8.00
Treatment Options 7.82
Drug Rehab and Detox 6.62
Insurance and Payments 6.00
Mental Health National Youth Advocate Program
14 North 5th Street, Zanesville, Ohio, 43701
Outpatient Detox and Inpatient Rehab
Medicaid and Medicare accepted


Alcohol Rehabilitation 8.00
Treatment Options 6.85
Drug Rehab and Detox 6.00
Insurance and Payments 6.00
Substance Abuse Muskingum Behavioral Health
1127 West Main Street, Zanesville, Ohio, 43701
Outpatient Rehab
Medicaid and Medicare accepted


Alcohol Rehabilitation 8.00
Treatment Options 7.82
Drug Rehab and Detox 6.00
Insurance and Payments 6.00
Substance Abuse Pinnacle Treatment Centers
1590 Coal Run Road, Zanesville, Ohio, 43701
Outpatient Detox and Rehab
Medicaid and Medicare accepted


Alcohol Rehabilitation 8.00
Drug Rehab and Detox 7.54
Treatment Options 7.33
Insurance and Payments 6.00

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