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AA and NA Meetings in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: Continuous Aftercare

Meeting Name
8:30 PM EST
Mount Pisgah United Presbyterian Church
Warrior Road, Pittsburgh, PA, 15242
Greentree Group Non-Smoking,
10:00 PM EST
Trinity Lutheran Church
West North Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, 15212
Friday Late Night Group Candlelight, Discussion/Participation
10:00 PM EST
Castle Shannon United Methodist Church
3750 Myrtle Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, 15234
Gimme More Shelter Group Discussion/Participation, Non-Smoking
10:00 PM EST
Camel Club
6241 Saltsburg Road, Pittsburgh, PA, 15235
NA Serenity Campfire Group Candlelight, Discussion/Participation, Men, Smoking
11:59 PM EST
Temple Baptist Church
743 Brownsville Road, Pittsburgh, PA, 15210
Winners Never Quit Group Discussion/Participation, Non-Smoking

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