Genesis Programs

For those looking to recover from alcohol and drug addiction, Genesis Programs, situated in Ventura, California, provides a wide variety of intensive outpatient programs. Their method is based on a person-centered philosophy that emphasizes developing self-worth and producing meaningful experiences, which enables clients to understand how their attitudes, feelings, and actions affect their life. Giving each person the resources they need to recognize and deal with the underlying reasons of their difficulties will eventually enable them to come up with solutions on their own in a nurturing setting.
Genesis Programs creates customized treatment programs that address each client's unique requirements by combining experiential treatments with the 12-Step approach. They provide family counseling, group therapy, and individual counseling using evidence-based techniques. Genesis aggressively promotes family engagement in treatment because they understand how important family support is in addiction recovery and think that in order to bring about long-lasting change, the whole family system must be addressed.
To meet different requirements, the program provides two different levels of care: a Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) and an Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP). The IOP costs $195 per day and is intended for those who need regular, organized assistance with their everyday tasks. The PHP, which costs $256 a day, offers clients access to a more comprehensive treatment plan and a better level of care. In order to guarantee long-term success, both levels of care have an emphasis on customized, goal-oriented therapy that includes focus groups, group counseling, family support, spiritual advice, and ongoing care programs.
The caliber and background of Genesis' employees, who are devoted to helping customers on their road to recovery, set the company apart. The counseling staff is committed to provide compassionate, culturally diverse therapy and consists of licensed therapists, certified addiction counselors, and interns at the master's and intermediate levels. The medical director of Genesis has more than 40 years of experience in psychiatry and is well-known in the mental health community in Ventura County. The CEO and Clinical Director of Genesis also contribute over two decades of personal recovery experience and more than ten years of clinical knowledge, which strengthens the program's empathy and understanding in treating substance use disorder (SUD).
Genesis Programs, which has a complete license from the state of California and is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF), is dedicated to maintaining the highest standards of moral and efficient addiction treatment. Their commitment to provide high-quality treatment and assisting clients in creating long-lasting recovery pathways in a therapeutic, encouraging environment is further shown by their dual certification.
Genesis Programs at a Glance
Payment Options
- Private health insurance
- Cash or self-payment
- Daily
- Medicaid
- Medicare
- Comprehensive mental health assessment
- Comprehensive substance use assessment
Age Groups
- Adults
- Young adults
- Adolescents
- Seniors
- Private for-profit organization
Highlights About Genesis Programs
With an overall rating of 6.94/10, this facility has following balanced range of services. Alcohol Rehabilitation: 8.00/10, Drug Rehab and Detox: 6.00/10, Insurance and Payments: 6.53/10, Treatment Options: 7.21/10.-
Alcohol Rehabilitation 8.00
Treatment Options 7.21
Insurance and Payments 6.53
Drug Rehab and Detox 6.00
Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF):

Established in 1966, the non-profit organization known as the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) has a dedicated focus on accrediting rehabilitation organizations. CARF's primary mission is to assist service providers, particularly rehabilitation facilities, in upholding and promoting the highest standards of care.
Treatment At Genesis Programs
Treatment Conditions
- Mental health treatment
- Alcoholism
- Opioid Addiction
- Substance use treatment
- Co-occurring Disorders
Care Levels
- Partial Hospitalization Program
- Intensive outpatient treatment
- Detoxification
- Aftercare
- Outpatient
Treatment Modalities
- 12-step facilitation
- Group counseling
- Family counseling
- Individual psychotherapy
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Contact Information
Read our Most Recent Article About Drug Addiction
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