367 Best Alcohol and Drug Rehabs in Maryland 2025
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367 Treatment Centers in Maryland, US


















































Substance abuse and Mental Health facilities Report for Maryland
Cheapest To Most Expensive State Rank
Substance Abuse Facilities
Number of Patients Annually
Annual Enrollments
Spent on Outpatient Services (Million)
Avg Outpatient Rehab Cost
Residential Admissions
Spent on Residential Treatment (Million)
Residential Rehab Pay (Up To)
Total Patients
Free Drug Rehab Facilities
Alcoholism, Drug Abuse, Mental Health, and Treatment in Maryland
What are the main addictions people in Maryland suffer from?
In Maryland, the main addictions people in Maryland suffer from include:
- Illicit Drug Addiction: 824,000 of individuals aged 12 and older reported using illicit drugs in the past month. This equates to 15.86% people. Among them, 7.68% are aged 12-17, 28.88% are aged 18-25, and 14.93% are aged 26 or older. 528,000 (64%) males are higher in number as compared to 296,000 (40%) females.
- Marijuana Addiction: 733,000 of individuals aged 12 and older used marijuana in the past month, totaling 14.11% people. Usage rates are 5.93% for ages 12-17, 28.20% for ages 18-25, and 13.02% for ages 26 and above. 420,000 (57.2%) males are higher in number as compared to 313,000 (43%) females.
- Alcohol Addiction: 2,547,000 of individuals aged 12 and older consumed alcohol in the past month, representing 49.02% people. The prevalence is 5.87% among those aged 12-17, 50.86% for ages 18-25, and 53.72% for those 26 and older. 1,862,000 (73%) males are higher in number as compared to 685,000 (29%) females.
- Binge Alcohol Addiction: 1,053,000 of individuals aged 12 and older engaged in binge drinking in the past month, totaling 20.26%people. This includes 2.98% of individuals aged 12-17, 29.94% of those aged 18-25, and 20.87% of individuals aged 26 and older. 823,000 (78%) males are higher in number as compared to 230,000 (22%) females.
- Tobacco Product Addiction: 863,000 of individuals aged 12 and older used tobacco products in the past month, equating to 16.61% people. Usage rates are 2.00% for ages 12-17, 15.64% for ages 18-25, and 18.43% for ages 26 and above. 490,000 (57%) males are higher in number as compared to 373,000 (43%) females.
What is the cost of rehab centers in Maryland?
The cost of rehab centers in Maryland is $56,783, which equates to 57.7%. Inpatient rehab programs in Maryland generally cost between $5,000 (5%) and $80,000(81%), depending on the facility's amenities and program duration. Outpatient services are less expensive with $10,000 (10%). The cost of rehab centers in Maryland varies widely based on the intensity and length of the program. These programs provide a more affordable alternative while still offering essential support for recovery.
The cost of rehab centers in Maryland varies depending on several factors, including the type of addiction and the level of care required. For instance, treatment for prescription pain reliever misuse increases costs by 10% to 20%, raising the expense to a range of $62,461 to $68,139. Similarly, opioid misuse often necessitates specialized care, driving costs up by 15% to 25%, resulting in a range of $65,300 to $70,979.
Maryland's median household income of $98,461, the cost of rehab centers in Maryland is $56,783 represents 57.7% of annual earnings, indicating a substantial financial burden for many residents. It is important to note that the cost of treatment also changes significantly depending on the type of rehab center, with luxury inpatient facilities being the most expensive options.
What is the cost of LGBTQ+ rehab centers in Maryland?
The cost of LGBTQ+ rehab centers in Maryland is $53,783, which equates to 54.6%. Inpatient rehab programs in Maryland generally cost between $5,000 (5%) and $80,000(81%), depending on the facility's amenities and program duration. Outpatient services are less expensive with $10,000 (10%). The cost of LGBTQ+ rehab centers in Maryland varies widely based on the intensity and length of the program. These programs provide a more affordable alternative while still offering essential support for recovery.
The cost of LGBTQ+ rehab centers in Maryland varies depending on several factors, including the type of addiction and the level of care required. For instance, treatment for prescription pain reliever misuse increases costs by 10% to 20%, raising the expense to a range of $62,461 to $68,139. Similarly, opioid misuse often necessitates specialized care, driving costs up by 15% to 25%, resulting in a range of $65,300 to $70,979.
Maryland's median household income of $98,461, the cost of LGBTQ+ rehab centers in Maryland is $53,783 represents 54.6% of annual earnings, indicating a substantial financial burden for many residents. It is important to note that the cost of LGBTQ+ treatment also changes significantly depending on the type of rehab center, with luxury inpatient facilities being the most expensive options.
What is the cost of Faith-Based rehab centers in Maryland?
The cost of Faith-Based rehab centers in Maryland is $57,000, which equates to 57.8%. Inpatient rehab programs in Maryland generally cost between $5,000 (5%) and $80,000(81%), depending on the facility's amenities and program duration. Outpatient services are less expensive with $10,000 (10%). The cost of Faith-Based rehab centers in Maryland varies widely based on the intensity and length of the program. These programs provide a more affordable alternative while still offering essential support for recovery.
The cost of Faith-Based rehab centers in Maryland varies depending on several factors, including the type of addiction and the level of care required. For instance, treatment for prescription pain reliever misuse increases costs by 10% to 20%, raising the expense to a range of $62,461 to $68,139. Similarly, opioid misuse often necessitates specialized care, driving costs up by 15% to 25%, resulting in a range of $65,300 to $70,979.
Maryland's median household income of $98,461, the cost of Faith-Based rehab centers in Maryland is $57,000 represents 57.8% of annual earnings, indicating a substantial financial burden for many residents. It is important to note that the cost of Faith-Based treatment also changes significantly depending on the type of rehab center, with luxury inpatient facilities being the most expensive options.
What is the cost of Men-Only rehab centers in Maryland?
The cost of Men-Only Rehab centers in Maryland is $55,000, which equates to 55.8%. Inpatient rehab programs in Maryland generally cost between $5,000 (5%) and $80,000(81%), depending on the facility's amenities and program duration. Outpatient services are less expensive with $10,000 (10%). The cost of Men-Only rehab centers in Maryland varies widely based on the intensity and length of the program. These programs provide a more affordable alternative while still offering essential support for recovery.
The cost of Men-Only rehab centers in Maryland varies depending on several factors, including the type of addiction and the level of care required. For instance, treatment for prescription pain reliever misuse increases costs by 10% to 20%, raising the expense to a range of $62,461 to $68,139. Similarly, opioid misuse often necessitates specialized care, driving costs up by 15% to 25%, resulting in a range of $65,300 to $70,979.
Maryland's median household income of $98,461, the cost of Men-Only rehab centers in Maryland is $55,000 represents 55.8% of annual earnings, indicating a substantial financial burden for many residents. It is important to note that the cost of Men-Only treatment also changes significantly depending on the type of rehab center, with luxury inpatient facilities being the most expensive options.
What is the cost of Women-Only rehab centers in Maryland?
The cost of Women-Only rehab centers in Maryland is $56,000, which equates to 56%. Inpatient rehab programs in Maryland generally cost between $5,000 (5%) and $80,000(81%), depending on the facility's amenities and program duration. Outpatient services are less expensive with $10,000 (10%). The cost of Women-Only rehab centers in Maryland varies widely based on the intensity and length of the program. These programs provide a more affordable alternative while still offering essential support for recovery.
The cost of Women-Only rehab centers in Maryland varies depending on several factors, including the type of addiction and the level of care required. For instance, treatment for prescription pain reliever misuse increases costs by 10% to 20%, raising the expense to a range of $62,461 to $68,139. Similarly, opioid misuse often necessitates specialized care, driving costs up by 15% to 25%, resulting in a range of $65,300 to $70,979.
Maryland's median household income of $98,461, the cost of Women-Only rehab centers in Maryland is $56,000 represents 56% of annual earnings, indicating a substantial financial burden for many residents. It is important to note that the cost of Women-Only treatment also changes significantly depending on the type of rehab center, with luxury inpatient facilities being the most expensive options.
What is the cost of Teen rehab centers in Maryland?
The cost of Teen rehab centers in Maryland is $52,783, which equates to 53.6%. Inpatient rehab programs in Maryland generally cost between $5,000 (5%) and $80,000(81%), depending on the facility's amenities and program duration. Outpatient services are less expensive with $10,000 (10%). The cost of Teen rehab centers in Maryland varies widely based on the intensity and length of the program. These programs provide a more affordable alternative while still offering essential support for recovery.
The cost of Teen rehab centers in Maryland varies depending on several factors, including the type of addiction and the level of care required. For instance, treatment for prescription pain reliever misuse increases costs by 10% to 20%, raising the expense to a range of $62,461 to $68,139. Similarly, opioid misuse often necessitates specialized care, driving costs up by 15% to 25%, resulting in a range of $65,300 to $70,979.
Maryland's median household income of $98,461, the cost of Teen rehab centers in Maryland is $52,783 represents 53.6% of annual earnings, indicating a substantial financial burden for many residents. It is important to note that the cost of Teen treatment also changes significantly depending on the type of rehab center, with luxury inpatient facilities being the most expensive options.
What is the cost of Young Adult rehab centers in Maryland?
The cost of Young Adult rehab centers in Maryland is $50,783, which equates to 51%. Inpatient rehab programs in Maryland generally cost between $5,000 (5%) and $80,000(81%), depending on the facility's amenities and program duration. Outpatient services are less expensive with $10,000 (10%). The cost of Young Adult rehab centers in Maryland varies widely based on the intensity and length of the program. These programs provide a more affordable alternative while still offering essential support for recovery.
The cost of Young Adult rehab centers in Maryland varies depending on several factors, including the type of addiction and the level of care required. For instance, treatment for prescription pain reliever misuse increases costs by 10% to 20%, raising the expense to a range of $62,461 to $68,139. Similarly, opioid misuse often necessitates specialized care, driving costs up by 15% to 25%, resulting in a range of $65,300 to $70,979.
Maryland's median household income of $98,461, the cost of Young Adult rehab centers in Maryland is $50,783 represents 51% of annual earnings, indicating a substantial financial burden for many residents. It is important to note that the cost of Young Adult treatment also changes significantly depending on the type of rehab center, with luxury inpatient facilities being the most expensive options.
What is the cost of Luxury Rehab centers in Maryland?
The cost of Luxury rehab centers in Maryland is $60,000, which equates to 61%. Inpatient rehab programs in Maryland generally cost between $5,000 (5%) and $80,000(81%), depending on the facility's amenities and program duration. Outpatient services are less expensive with $10,000 (10%). The cost of Luxury rehab centers in Maryland varies widely based on the intensity and length of the program. These programs provide a more affordable alternative while still offering essential support for recovery.
The cost of Luxury rehab centers in Maryland varies depending on several factors, including the type of addiction and the level of care required. For instance, treatment for prescription pain reliever misuse increases costs by 10% to 20%, raising the expense to a range of $62,461 to $68,139. Similarly, opioid misuse often necessitates specialized care, driving costs up by 15% to 25%, resulting in a range of $65,300 to $70,979.
Maryland's median household income of $98,461, the cost of Luxury rehab centers in Maryland is $60,000 represents 61% of annual earnings, indicating a substantial financial burden for many residents. It is important to note that the cost of Luxury treatment also changes significantly depending on the type of rehab center, with luxury inpatient facilities being the most expensive options.
What is the cost of Dual Diagnosis rehab centers in Maryland?
The cost of Dual Diagnosis rehab centers in Maryland is $51,089, which equates to 52%. Inpatient rehab programs in Maryland generally cost between $5,000 (5%) and $80,000(81%), depending on the facility's amenities and program duration. Outpatient services are less expensive with $10,000 (10%). The cost of Dual Diagnosis rehab centers in Maryland varies widely based on the intensity and length of the program. These programs provide a more affordable alternative while still offering essential support for recovery.
The cost of Dual Diagnosis rehab centers in Maryland varies depending on several factors, including the type of addiction and the level of care required. For instance, treatment for prescription pain reliever misuse increases costs by 10% to 20%, raising the expense to a range of $62,461 to $68,139. Similarly, opioid misuse often necessitates specialized care, driving costs up by 15% to 25%, resulting in a range of $65,300 to $70,979.
Maryland's median household income of $98,461, the cost of Dual Diagnosis rehab centers in Maryland is $51,089 represents 52% of annual earnings, indicating a substantial financial burden for many residents. It is important to note that the cost of Dual Diagnosis treatment also changes significantly depending on the type of rehab center, with luxury inpatient facilities being the most expensive options.
Is drug abuse and addiction a problem in Maryland?
Yes, drug abuse and addiction is a problem in Maryland. The state of Maryland has experienced consistently high overdose death rates, with fentanyl and other synthetic opioids implicated in 81% of overdose fatalities in 2024. The issue extends to youth, with a 37% increase in drug use reported among some high school students, highlighting the growing prevalence of substance abuse in younger demographics. The opioid crisis has led to substantial economic burdens, including increased healthcare costs, lost productivity, and heightened law enforcement expenses.
Statistical evidence reveals that the situation has worsened over time. In 2024, Maryland reported 2,773 unintentional intoxication deaths involving drugs and alcohol, reflecting a 16.6% rise from 2022. Fentanyl-related overdose deaths have surged, with rates increasing 81.8 times between 2020 and 2024. Cocaine-related fatalities also rose dramatically, with rates growing 6.5 times between 2003 and 2024. These trends underscore the escalating drug abuse and addiction challenges faced by Maryland.
Is alcoholism a problem in Maryland?
Yes, alcoholism is a problem in Maryland. 49.02% of individuals aged 12 and older reported alcohol use in the past month, with 20.26% engaging in binge drinking. This high prevalence contributes to numerous health and social issues within the state of Maryland. The state of Maryland has experienced a substantial number of alcohol-related deaths. In 2024, there were 2,482 alcohol-related fatalities, with 3.2% involving individuals under 21. This indicates a persistent and serious public health concern.
Alcohol misuse among young adults is particularly concerning. In 2023, 150,000 Marylanders aged 12 to 20 reported consuming alcohol in the past month, and over 1 million individuals aged 12 and over reported binge drinking during the same period. This early initiation of alcohol use leads to long-term health and social problems. Over the years, the situation has shown troubling trends. For instance, in 2024 Maryland reported 2,773 unintentional intoxication deaths involving drugs and alcohol, a 16.6% increase from 2023. This upward trajectory underscores the growing challenge of addressing alcohol-related issues in the state of Maryland.
These statistics highlight the pressing need for effective prevention and intervention strategies to combat alcoholism and its associated consequences in Maryland.
Is Mental Health a problem in Maryland?
Yes, mental health is a problem in Maryland. 19% of adults in Maryland experience mental illness, equating to over 781,000 individuals. This prevalence is notably higher than the national average, indicating a widespread issue. In February 2024, 39.1% of Maryland adults reported symptoms of anxiety or depression, with 31.3% unable to access necessary counseling or therapy. This gap in treatment highlights substantial barriers to mental health services. Furthermore, Maryland faces a shortage of mental health professionals, with over 1 million residents living in areas lacking adequate mental health resources. This shortage exacerbates challenges in accessing timely and effective care. Over recent years, the situation has deteriorated, as evidenced by a 36% increase in anxiety or depression diagnoses among children aged 3 to 17. These trends underscore the escalating mental health challenges within the state of Maryland.
Can you travel to Maryland for rehab?
Yes, you can travel to Maryland for rehab. The state of Maryland offers unique advantages that make it an appealing destination for those seeking recovery. Firstly, Maryland is home to highly accredited rehab centers that provide specialized treatment programs tailored to diverse needs, including dual diagnosis care for individuals with co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders. Secondly, Maryland's strategic location on the East Coast allows for accessibility from various parts of the United States, making it convenient for out-of-state patients. Thirdly, the state of Maryland offers a serene and supportive environment with access to natural landscapes, such as the Chesapeake Bay and Appalachian trails, which play a vital role in fostering mental and emotional healing during recovery. These factors make Maryland an excellent choice for individuals seeking effective and comprehensive rehabilitation services.
Can addiction be treated in Maryland?
Yes, addiction can be treated in Maryland. Firstly, the state of Maryland has a robust network of treatment facilities offering evidence-based approaches such as medication-assisted treatment (MAT), cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), and holistic care, ensuring comprehensive support for recovery. Secondly, Maryland's health initiatives prioritize accessibility to addiction treatment, including state-funded programs and insurance coverage through Medicaid and private insurers, which reduce financial barriers for many individuals.
Thirdly, the state of Maryland provides ongoing support services, such as peer recovery programs and community-based resources, to help individuals maintain long-term sobriety and prevent relapse. These factors make Maryland a strong option for effective addiction treatment.
What is the state of Maryland?
The state of Maryland is in the United States, located in the Mid-Atlantic region. It is bordered by Pennsylvania to the north, Delaware to the east, the Atlantic Ocean and the District of Columbia to the southeast, Virginia to the south, and West Virginia to the west. Its geographical diversity ranges from the Chesapeake Bay and Atlantic Coast to rolling hills and forested mountains in the west.
The state of Maryland has a population of 6.2 million people, with a slightly higher number of females than males. Females make up 51.5% of the population, and males comprise 48.5%.
Economically, Maryland is considered one of the wealthiest states in the U.S., with a median household income of about $98,441, significantly above the national average. The state of Maryland benefits from a diverse economy driven by biotechnology, defense, information technology, and a robust healthcare sector. Despite its overall affluence, Maryland, like other states, has areas of economic disparity, with some regions facing challenges related to poverty and unemployment.
What is the population of Maryland?
The population of Maryland is 6.16 million, with a gender distribution of 48.5% males, equating to 2.99 million, and 51.5% females, or 3.17 million. The age group distribution shows that 22.1% of the population, 1.36 million individuals, are under the age of 18. The majority, 61.7%, or about 3.8 million people, fall within the working-age range of 18 to 64 years. 16.2% of the population, 997,000 individuals, are 65 years or older. These figures highlight a balanced demographic, with a slightly higher proportion of females and a significant working-age population.
What is the income of people from Maryland?
The income of people from Maryland is $49,865, per capita income. In Maryland, the median household income is $98,461. Income levels vary across different age groups and between genders. Nationally, median annual earnings tend to increase with age, peaking in the 45 to 54 age group, where males earn a median of $72,228 and females $57,096, reflecting a gender pay gap. Householders aged 45 to 64 have the highest median income at $124,643, followed by those aged 25 to 44 with $106,500. Householders aged 65 and over report a median income of $73,712, while those under 25 have the lowest at $51,663.