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Identifying Addict Behavior

Are you concerned that a loved one is starting to demonstrate addict behavior? Addiction is life-altering and leads to negative side effects, including a noticeable change in behavior. If you have a friend or family member that you suspect could be dealing with substance abuse, take a closer look at their actions to see if there are any signs of addiction, behavior changes, or other signifiers of addiction.

4 Minute Read | Published Oct 06 2023 | Updated Feb 19 2024 Expert Verified
Emma Collins
Written by
Dameisha Gibson
Reviewed by
Emma Collins
Written by
Dameisha Gibson
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Watching changes to a person both physically and mentally can be frustrating and scary. BetterAddictionCare is here to help, making it possible to search through a nationwide recovery network in order to find the right treatment facility. Call today to learn how you can help a loved one see the light and take the first steps to start healing.

What does drug addict behavior look like? While every person is different, there are several noticeable changes that are common for individuals struggling with addiction. It’s important not to dismiss these actions as unimportant, especially if addiction recovery is the final goal. Above all else, keep in mind that drug addicts’ behavior can be unpredictable and safety should always be the priority.

  1. Being Secretive or Lying – As a substance begins to take over an addict’s life, they tend to do just about anything to keep up the habit. This often results in lying to others about where they have been, what they have been doing, or even how they are spending their money. Those around an addict often become suspicious that something is going on, but may not realize that substance abuse is the culprit.
  2. Neglecting Responsibilities – When a substance is the priority, other things begin to become less important. These things include relationships, performance at work or school, and could even be as extreme as skipping out on food, drinks, and general hygiene. When it comes to addict behavior, the result of shifting priorities can be demonstrated in changes to a person’s physical appearance and well-being.
  3. Dangerous Situations – Drug addict behavior includes engaging in activities that aren’t going to end well. For some, this could manifest in theft or even physical altercations with others. An addict may even be going to places that aren’t safe in order to acquire their next fix.
  4. Mood Swings and Irritability – The mental changes to a person are often presented through their addiction. Behavior like being increasingly happy or experiencing euphoria one minute can quickly turn into feelings of paranoia or anger. With drug addicts, behavior like this often results in strained relationships and altercations with loved ones.

These behaviors will continue a cycle that leads addicts to move farther and farther way from family and friends. It’s important to be able to offer the option of addiction counseling or even inpatient treatment to encourage an addict to make a real change. Professionals can not only deal with these behaviors in a comfortable environment, but also make attempts to transform the actions into something new with techniques like cognitive behavioral therapy. Individualized attention is critical to allowing a person to start healing.

If you’ve started to see some of these behaviors in yourself, you might be asking yourself, am I addicted to drugs. If you are, it’s time to get help now. You can leave the behaviors associated with addiction behind you and start over. Fill out our contact form to allow BetterAddictionCare to help. Our services are 100% confidential and we can find facilities near you that are accepting new patients, allowing you to start your journey towards recovery.


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