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AA and NA Meetings in Levittown, Pennsylvania: A Beacon of Hope

Speak to addiction Specialist 100% Free and Confidential

An intricate web of support groups thrives, offering solace and hope to those battling addiction. Two of the most prominent groups are Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA), both of which have a substantial presence in Levittown.

Upcoming Meetings in Next 90 Minutes

Find AA meetings in Levittown, Pennsylvania to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Levittown, Pennsylvania includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.

Open Meeting
10:30 AM EST
7300 New Falls Road, Levittown, PA, 19054

AA and NA Meetings in Levittown, Pennsylvania

Find AA meetings in Levittown, Pennsylvania to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Levittown, Pennsylvania includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.

Treatment Centers
Meeting Name
Group Name
Meeting Type
6:00 AM EST
First Call
First Call
8744 New Falls Road, Levittown, PA, 19054
Open Meeting
8:00 AM EST
First Call
First Call
8744 New Falls Road, Levittown, PA, 19054
Open Meeting
8:30 AM EST
Highland Park Pennsylvania
Highland Park Pennsylvania
837 Hoe Road, Levittown, PA, 19054
Open Meeting
10:30 AM EST
7300 New Falls Road, Levittown, PA, 19054
Open Meeting
11:45 AM EST
Hope Group Levittown
Hope Group Levittown
2600 Haines Road, Levittown, PA, 19054
Open Meeting
12:00 PM EST
Noon Timers Pennsylvania
Noon Timers Pennsylvania
8744 New Falls Road, Levittown, PA, 19054
Open Meeting
12:00 PM EST
Pass It On Levittown
Pass It On Levittown
8744 New Falls Road, Levittown, PA, 19054
Closed Meeting
12:00 PM EST
Chairmans Choice Pennsylvania
Chairmans Choice Pennsylvania
8744 New Falls Road, Levittown, PA, 19054
Open Meeting
4:00 PM EST
Program of Action Big Book Group
Program of Action Big Book Group
8744 New Falls Road, Levittown, PA, 19054
Open Meeting
5:30 PM EST
Amazing Grace Levittown
Amazing Grace Levittown
8744 New Falls Road, Levittown, PA, 19054
Open Meeting
5:30 PM EST
Happy Hour Levittown
Happy Hour Levittown
8744 New Falls Road, Levittown, PA, 19054
Open Meeting
5:30 PM EST
8744 United We Stand
8744 United We Stand
8744 New Falls Road, Levittown, PA, 19054
Open Meeting
6:00 PM EST
8744 Speaker
8744 Speaker
8744 New Falls Road, Levittown, PA, 19054
Open Meeting
7:00 PM EST
Lakeside Friday Night Step
Lakeside Friday Night Step
130 Levittown Parkway, Levittown, PA, 19054
Open Meeting
7:00 PM EST
Caring and Sharing Pennsylvania
Caring and Sharing Pennsylvania
837 Hoe Road, Levittown, PA, 19054
Closed Meeting
7:00 PM EST
Lakeside Pennsylvania
Lakeside Pennsylvania
837 Hoe Road, Levittown, PA, 19054
Closed Meeting
7:00 PM EST
Mens Big Step
Mens Big Step
8744 New Falls Road, Levittown, PA, 19054
Open Meeting
7:00 PM EST
Miracle Group Pennsylvania
Miracle Group Pennsylvania
5918 Emilie Road, Levittown, PA, 19054
Open Meeting
7:00 PM EST
Highland Park Pennsylvania
Highland Park Pennsylvania
837 Hoe Road, Levittown, PA, 19054
Open Meeting
7:00 PM EST
8744 Beginners
8744 Beginners
8744 New Falls Road, Levittown, PA, 19054
Open Meeting
7:00 PM EST
Heard It Through the Grapevine Pennsylvania
Heard It Through the Grapevine Pennsylvania
479 Stonybrook Drive, Levittown, PA, 19054
Closed Meeting
7:00 PM EST
Highland Park Steps 2 Sobriety
Highland Park Steps 2 Sobriety
837 Hoe Road, Levittown, PA, 19054
Closed Meeting
7:00 PM EST
Miracle Group Big Book Conversation
Miracle Group Big Book Conversation
5918 Emilie Road, Levittown, PA, 19054
Closed Meeting
7:00 PM EST
Primary Purpose Levittown
Primary Purpose Levittown
2185 Bristol Oxford Valley Road, Levittown, PA, 19054
Open Meeting
7:00 PM EST
Sobriety First Levittown
Sobriety First Levittown
130 Levittown Parkway, Levittown, PA, 19054
Closed Meeting
7:00 PM EST
837 Hoe Road, Levittown, PA, 19054
Closed Meeting
7:00 PM EST
Living Room Group
Living Room Group
5918 Emilie Road, Levittown, PA, 19054
Open Meeting
7:00 PM EST
Sunday Serenity Levittown
Sunday Serenity Levittown
8744 New Falls Road, Levittown, PA, 19054
Closed Meeting
7:30 PM EST
Living Sober And Free Pennsylvania
Living Sober And Free Pennsylvania
479 Stonybrook Drive, Levittown, PA, 19054
Closed Meeting
7:30 PM EST
Link Group
Link Group
8744 New Falls Road, Levittown, PA, 19054
Open Meeting
7:30 PM EST
Steps to Serenity Pennsylvania
Steps to Serenity Pennsylvania
8744 New Falls Road, Levittown, PA, 19054
Open Meeting
7:30 PM EST
No Human Power Pennsylvania
No Human Power Pennsylvania
8744 New Falls Road, Levittown, PA, 19054
Open Meeting
8:00 PM EST
Young And Sober
Young And Sober
8744 New Falls Road, Levittown, PA, 19054
Open Meeting

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