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AA and NA Meetings in Williamsport, Pennsylvania: A Beacon of Hope

Speak to addiction Specialist 100% Free and Confidential

An intricate web of support groups thrives, offering solace and hope to those battling addiction. Two of the most prominent groups are Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA), both of which have a substantial presence in Williamsport.

AA and NA Meetings in Williamsport, Pennsylvania

Find AA meetings in Williamsport, Pennsylvania to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Williamsport, Pennsylvania includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.

Meeting Name
Group Name
Meeting Type
10:00 AM EST
Saturday Morning Big Book Williamsport
Saturday Morning Big Book
1250 Almond Street, Williamsport, PA, 17701
Open Meeting
10:00 AM EST
Friday Morning Meeting Williamsport
Friday Morning Meeting
1220 Sheridan Street, Williamsport, PA, 17701
Open Meeting
10:00 AM EST
Monday Morning Step Meeting Williamsport
Monday Morning Step Meeting
711 West Edwin Street, Williamsport, PA, 17701
Open Meeting
10:00 AM EST
10am Morning Group
10am Morning Group
711 West Edwin Street, Williamsport, PA, 17701
Open Meeting
12:05 PM EST
Lunch Hour Group Williamsport
Lunch Hour Group
711 West Edwin Street, Williamsport, PA, 17701
Open Meeting
12:05 PM EST
Lunch Hour Group Moved
Lunch Hour Group Moved
711 West Edwin Street, Williamsport, PA, 17701
Open Meeting
2:00 PM EST
Serenity Hour Williamsport
Serenity Hour
711 West Edwin Street, Williamsport, PA, 17701
Open Meeting
3:00 PM EST
Better Alternatives Group
Better Alternatives Group
2018 West 4th Street, Williamsport, PA, 17701
Open Meeting
5:00 PM EST
Came To Believe Williamsport
Came To Believe
1157 Market Street, Williamsport, PA, 17701
Open Meeting
5:30 PM EST
In the House Williamsport
In the House Williamsport
202 East 3rd Street, Williamsport, PA, 17701
Closed Meeting
6:00 PM EST
Monday Night Big Book Williamsport
Monday Night Big Book
815 West 4th Street, Williamsport, PA, 17701
Open Meeting
6:00 PM EST
12 Plus 12 Equals 24
12 Plus 12 Equals 24
2018 West 4th Street, Williamsport, PA, 17701
Open Meeting
6:00 PM EST
Mens Step Meeting Williamsport
Mens Step Meeting
844 West 4th Street, Williamsport, PA, 17701
Open Meeting
6:30 PM EST
11th Step Meditation Grp Williamsport
11th Step Meditation Grp
102 East 3rd Street, Williamsport, PA, 17701
Open Meeting
7:00 PM EST
Promises of Sobriety
Promises of Sobriety
844 West 4th Street, Williamsport, PA, 17701
Closed Meeting
7:00 PM EST
Rewards of Sobriety
Rewards of Sobriety
1 College Avenue, Williamsport, PA, 17701
Open Meeting
7:00 PM EST
Up the Creek Group Williamsport
Up the Creek Group
901 Diamond Street, Williamsport, PA, 17701
Open Meeting
7:00 PM EST
Sunday Night Big Book Williamsport
Sunday Night Big Book
643 Elmira Street, Williamsport, PA, 17701
Open Meeting
7:00 PM EST
New Freedom Group Williamsport
New Freedom Group
2018 West 4th Street, Williamsport, PA, 17701
Open Meeting
7:00 PM EST
Staying Sober Meeting
Staying Sober Meeting
1 College Avenue, Williamsport, PA, 17701
Open Meeting
7:00 PM EST
Womens Meeting Williamsport
Womens Meeting
249 Little League Boulevard, Williamsport, PA, 17701
Open Meeting
7:00 PM EST
Wed Night Plain and Simple
Wed Night Plain and Simple
901 Diamond Street, Williamsport, PA, 17701
Open Meeting
7:00 PM EST
Veterans and Friends in Recovery
Veterans and Friends in Recovery
1101 Washington Boulevard, Williamsport, PA, 17701
Closed Meeting
7:00 PM EST
Williamsport Group
Williamsport Group
202 East 3rd Street, Williamsport, PA, 17701
Open Meeting
7:30 PM EST
Off the Hook Young Peoples
Off the Hook Young Peoples
501 High Street, Williamsport, PA, 17701
Open Meeting
7:30 PM EST
A Common Solution Williamsport
A Common Solution
102 East 3rd Street, Williamsport, PA, 17701
Closed Meeting
7:30 PM EST
Friday Night Group Williamsport
Friday Night Group
604 Market Street, Williamsport, PA, 17701
Open Meeting
7:30 PM EST
Friday Night Big Book Williamsport
Friday Night Big Book
1301 Clayton Avenue, Williamsport, PA, 17701
Closed Meeting

Find The Best Local Rehab Centers In Williamsport 2025

Mental Health Divine Providence Campus - UPMC Williamsport Hospital
1100 Grampian Boulevard, Williamsport, Pennsylvania, 17701
Inpatient Rehab
Grants and Private Insurance accepted


Alcohol Rehabilitation 8.00
Treatment Options 6.61
Drug Rehab and Detox 6.00
Insurance and Payments 6.00
Substance Abuse CleanSlate Centers
120 West Fourth Street, Williamsport, Pennsylvania, 17701
Outpatient Rehab
Grants and Private Insurance accepted


Alcohol Rehabilitation 8.00
Drug Rehab and Detox 7.54
Treatment Options 6.61
Insurance and Payments 6.00
Substance Abuse Crossroads Counseling
501 East 3rd Street, Williamsport, Pennsylvania, 17701
Outpatient Rehab
Grants and Private Insurance accepted


Treatment Options 8.55
Drug Rehab and Detox 8.15
Alcohol Rehabilitation 8.00
Insurance and Payments 6.00
Mental Health Community Services Group
1000 Commerce Park Drive, Williamsport, Pennsylvania, 17701
Outpatient and Partial Hospitalization Program
Grants and Private Insurance accepted


Alcohol Rehabilitation 8.00
Treatment Options 6.49
Drug Rehab and Detox 6.00
Insurance and Payments 6.00

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