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Addiction Rehab for Married Couples

Couples rehab centers offer services for addicts in a relationship as well as sober partners of addicts. 

3 Minute Read | Published Oct 05 2023 | Updated Mar 11 2024 Expert Verified
Emma Collins
Written by
Ashley Bayliss
Reviewed by
Emma Collins
Written by
Ashley Bayliss
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Find Couples Rehab for Drug and Alcohol Treatment

While the therapies in these alternative rehab programs may vary depending on patients’ particular circumstances, each treatment plan is focused on recovery and maintaining sobriety. 

Individuals in a partnership affected by substance abuse are taught the skills that they need to understand addiction and support a healthy relationship. 

At BetterAddictionCare, we understand that the intricacies of addiction can have emotional components that affect loved ones, which is why we’re proud to help people find the right rehab for married couples. Our nationwide recovery network includes facilities that offer high-quality, cost-effective couples therapies and aftercare support services.

Rehab Challenges Faced by Married Couples

The challenges faced by couples in which both partners are addicted to substances are both specific and complex. 

Many shared issues can complicate the addiction recovery process, and often, sobriety can hinge on partners’ efforts when attempting to get sober.

For example, couples who met while abusing substances may find it difficult to extricate these substances from their relationships and relate to their partners as sober individuals. In cases like these, when one partner relapses, the other may follow suit, falling into the same behavioral patterns that led them to seek treatment at couples rehab centers.

Benefits of Married Couples Rehab

A rehab for married couples may staff highly trained therapists who can explore the issue of codependency and encourage patients to start healing.

Therapists may also point out enabling behaviors that partners engage in that keep couples trapped in the cycle of addiction

People who are enrolled in drug rehab for married couples often feel safe and comfortable enough in this environment to finally face the underlying issues and complexities that drive their relationships and often end up stronger individuals.

Appropriate approaches can include treating couples for their addictions at the same time, as studies have shown that the success rate of addiction counseling can increase if partners are treated together rather than separately.

Benefits of Couples Rehab When Only One Partner Has an Addiction

Additionally, rehab for married couples can be a good solution if one party is currently suffering though an addiction and the other partner is interested in understanding the causes of dependency and recognizing triggers.

Drug rehab for married couples in this way can help reduce the chances of relapse by educating partners and may even help strengthen a relationship.

While a patient undergoes individualized treatment, such as a detox, a sober partner may start learning coping skills or find out how to build a new, healthier foundation for the continued relationship.

The therapists found in our recovery network can help couples work through their relationships’ dynamics while physicians offer a safe and effective medically assisted detox to ease severe addicts out of dependency.

Situations Where Couples Rehab Is a Bad Idea

While rehab for married couples can be extremely beneficial for some partnerships, there are certain situations that are less than ideal for this type of recovery solution.

Relationships that are unstable or marked by violence typically have more issues than couples drug rehab can address.

If, however, both parties are committed to recovery, this type of partner-based rehab can be perfect for couples.

Find Couples Rehab Today

Rehab centers found in our recovery network can provide addiction counseling for sober partners as well as addicts; call today to speak with a counselor who can help you find a facility near you that offers couples-based therapy and accepts your private insurance. All admissions are 100% confidential so that you can keep your personal matters on a need-to-know basis.


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